Auguste Regnaud de Saint-Jean d'Angély

Auguste Regnaud de Saint-Jean d'Angély

Auguste Michel Étienne Regnaud de Saint-Jean d'Angely (July 29, 1794 - February 1, 1870) was a Marshal of France and politician.

Born in Paris, the son of Michel Louis Étienne, comte Regnaud de Saint-Jean d'Angely, Regnaud served as a lieutenant in a regiment of hussars during the Russian campaign of 1812. He fought at the Battle of Leipzig, after which he became a member of the Emperor Napoleon's personal military staff.

As he had served as a personal aide-de-camp to the Emperor at Waterloo, he was dismissed from the army by the Restoration government. In 1825 he went to Greece and fought for the Greeks in the Greek War of Independence, and rejoined the French army in 1830. He served under Gérard as a colonel in the expedition to Belgium. Regnauld was promoted to "général de brigade" in 1841 and to "général de division" in 1849. In 1848 he was elected Deputy and sat on the right. In 1851 he served for a fortnight as minister of war. In 1852 he was named a Senator. Under the Second Empire, he went through the Crimean and Italian campaigns, and was made Marshal of France for bravery at the Battle of Magenta. He died in Cannes in 1870.

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