- Hamada, Shimane
Infobox City Japan
Name= Hamada
JapaneseName= 浜田市
Region= Chūgoku (San'in)
Prefecture= Shimane
Area_km2= 689.60
PopDate= January 2008
Population= 61,325
Density_km2= 88.9
LatitudeDegrees= 34
LatitudeMinutes= 54
LongtitudeDegrees= 132
LongtitudeMinutes= 5
Fish= Righteye flounder
SymbolDescription= Flag
Mayor=Tetsuo Uzu
CityHallPostalCode= 697-8501
CityHallAddress= 1 Tonomachi, Hamada-shi, Shimane-ken
CityHallPhone= 0855-22-2612
CityHallLink= [http://www.city.hamada.shimane.jp/ Hamada City]nihongo|Hamada|浜田市|Hamada-shi is a city located in Shimane,
Japan . It is the third largest city in theprefecture and is located at the south-western end of the prefecture. It is acoastal city on theSea of Japan , and possesses the same beautiful white-sand beaches as the rest of the Shimane coastline.As of 2008, the city has an estimated
population of 61,325. The city was founded onNovember 3 ,1940 . In October 2005, it merged with the surroundingtown s of Asahi, Kanagi and Misumi, and the village of Yasaka.The prefectural
university (The University of Shimane) is located in Hamada, as is the Institute for Northeast Asian Research.Hamada is one of the few cities in the region to possess a heavy tonnage shipping
port . The Hamada Commercial Port can accept vessles up to a maximum of DWT|50,000|metric|first=yes. [http://www2.pref.shimane.jp/minato/kouwan/har_hamada4.html 1]ights
* Aquas is on the outskirts of the city. It is the largest
aquarium in westernHonshū . [http://apike.ca/japan_aquas.html 2]
* The Hamada Museum of Children's Art is located about one mile from the city center. It's exhbits include artwork by children from around the world and artwork of interest to children. Their programs include technical art classes and art history workshops for children of all ages.
* The ruins of Hamada castle are situated on the top of a hill near the centre of town. Hamada Castle was built in 1620, and destroyed towards the end of theTokugawa Shogunate . [http://www.city.hamada.shimane.jp/en/history.html 3] From the top of the ruins, visitors can see extensive views of Hamada city and the coast.
* Iwami Seaside Park is a large beach located near Aquas with cabins,barbecue areas, and rental facilities.Yearly Festivals
External links
* [http://www.city.hamada.shimane.jp/ Hamada City's official website] in Japanese. (There is an English page link from the Japanese page, but it has less information.)
* [http://www.city.hamada.shimane.jp/en/culture.html University of Shimane] Currently, there isn't an English version of this website. However, one is in the making.
* [http://fish.miracle.ne.jp/hamakoku/ Hamada International Association homepage] in English (slightly out of date)
* [http://www2.pref.shimane.jp/minato/kouwan/har_hamada.html/ Hamada Port Authority] in Japanese.
* [http://www.aquas.or.jp/ Aquas Aquarium] in Japanese, but has an English version.
* [http://www.gethiroshima.com/en/Places/Seasonal/Beaches/details?placeid=50299 Iwami Seaside Park] A page in English about the park and its facilities.
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