

Dranza is an portmanteau of "drama" and "danza" in Spanish. It was created by Oskar Sarasky, a theatre director, Fito Guevara and Chachi Cruz, both dancers. This group of Costa Rican artists developed dranza in New York for a production of Yerma, by Federico Garcia Lorca. It involves the fusion of dance and theater simultaneously. In dance-theater, movement and drama are distinctively separated. Dranza requires the actor-dancer to perform a text as he or she moves on the stage to music.

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  • Le Biot — Le Biot, Dorf u. Mandamento in der sardinischen Provinz Chiablese, am rechten Ufer der Dranza; mit altem Castell; 1450 Ew.; in der Nähe Fundort von Schwefeleisen u. Braunkohle …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

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