Frei Betto

Frei Betto

Carlos Alberto Libânio Christo, better known as Frei BettoCite web|url=|title=In the Land of Pele, Legal Names are Dropped|accessdate=2008-02-06|year=2005-02-03|author=Harold Olmos|work=IOL] (born in 1944, Belo Horizonte, Brazil) is a Brazilian writer, political activist, liberation theologist and Dominican friar. He was imprisoned for four years by the military dictatorship in 1969 for smuggling people out of Brazil as part of an ongoing series of attacks by the government on the church.cite book | title=The Politics of Military Rule in Brazil, 1964-1985| last=Skidmore| first=Thomas E.| year=1990| pages=355| publisher=Oxford University Press US| id=0195063163]

In addition to work on eliminating hunger in Brazil,Cite web|url=|title=Brazil's War on Hunger Off to a Slow Start|accessdate=2008-02-06|year=2003-03-30|author=Larry Rohter|work=The New York Times] Frei Betto is involved in various aspects of Brazil's politics. He currently works for the government of Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva,Cite web|url=|title=Man in the News; Workingman President, Maybe - Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva|accessdate=2008-02-06|year=2002-10-08|author=Larry Rohter|work=The New York Times] for whom he is considered a spiritual advisorCite web|url=|title=Brasil: Lejos del Radicalismo, Lula cerca de la Reeleccion|accessdate=2008-02-06|year=2006-09-24|author=Harold Olmos|work=El Diario/La Prensa] and mentor.Cite web|url=|title=Brazil's Silva Likely to Win Re-Election|accessdate=2008-02-06|year=2006-09-24|author=Harold Olmos|work=The Washington Post]

Frei Betto is often said to be a supporter of Fidel Castro and frequently visits Havana in an effort to repair relations between the two nations.Cite web|url=|title=Brazil's Cardinal's Praise of Castro Stirs Protest|accessdate=2008-02-06|year=1989-02-05|author=Alan Riding|work=The New York Times] The two men collaborated on a book detailing Castro's views on Christianity, a surprising subject considering the Communist regime's treatment of religion.Cite web|url=,9171,960496,00.html|title=Castro Looks at Christianity|accessdate=2008-02-06|year=1985-12-30|author=Richard N. Ostling|work=Time]

On January 26, 2006, Frei Betto joined other internationally renowned figures and Latin American authors such as Nobel-laureate Gabriel García Márquez, Mario Benedetti, Ernesto Sábato, Thiago de Mello, Eduardo Galeano, Pablo Armando Fernández, Carlos Monsiváis, Jorge Enrique Adoum, Luis Rafael Sánchez, Mayra Montero, Ana Lydia Vega and world famous singer/composer Pablo Milanés, in demanding sovereignty for Puerto Rico.Cite web|url=|title=Intelectuales Apoyan Independencia para Puerto Rico|accessdate=2008-02-06|year=2007-02-01|work=People's Weekly World|language=Spanish]


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