List of political parties in Switzerland

List of political parties in Switzerland
The political positions of the voters and leaders of the five major parties (2007).

This is a list of political parties in Switzerland.

Switzerland has a multi-party system. Since 1959, the four largest parties have formed a coalition government, according to a "Zauberformel" or "magic formula". This arithmetic formula divides the seven cabinet seats among representatives of the four largest parties.


Federal and cantonal parliaments

The following parties are represented either in the Swiss Federal Assembly or in cantonal parliaments:

Party   Members in Political Position
Abbr. Name W Leader FC CS NC Cantons Members (Ideology)
SVP/UDC Swiss People's Party [1] Toni Brunner 1 6 58 563 90,000 Right-wing populism, National conservatism
SPS/PSS Social Democratic Party [2] Christian Levrat 2 9 42 446 35,000 Centre-left, Social democracy
FDP/PLR FDP.The Liberals [3] Fulvio Pelli 2 12 34 553 130,000 Centre-right, Classical liberalism
CVP/PDC/PPD Christian Democratic People's Party [4] Christophe Darbellay 1 14 31 480 100,000 Centrism, Christian democracy
BDP/PBD Conservative Democratic Party [5] Hans Grunder 1 1 5 75 6,500 Centre-right, Conservative liberalism
GPS/PES Green Party [6] Ueli Leuenberger 0 2 20 195 6,500 Centre-left, Green politics
GLP/PVL Green Liberal Party [7] Martin Bäumle 0 2 3 54 2,700 Centrism, Green liberalism
EVP/PEV Evangelical People's Party [8] Heiner Studer 0 0 2 45 4,800 Centrism, Christian democracy
CSP/PCS Christian Social Party [9] Marius Achermann 0 0 1 24 1,500 Centre-left, Christian left
Lega Ticino League [10] Giuliano Bignasca 0 0 1 21 1,500 Right-wing, Regionalism (TI)
EDU/UDF Federal Democratic Union [11] Hans Moser 0 0 1 16 3,000 Right-wing, Evangelicalism
AL Alternative Left [12]   0 0 1 6 2,000 Left-wing, Democratic socialism
SLB/MSL Social Liberal Movement [13] Samuel Schmid 0 0 1 1 Social conservatism
MCG Geneva Citizens' Movement [14] Éric Stauffer 0 0 0 17 Right-wing, Regionalism (GE)
PdA/PST Swiss Party of Labour [15] Norberto Crivelli 0 0 0 14 Left-wing, Communism
Sol solidaritéS     0 0 0 5 Democratic socialism
SD/DS Swiss Democrats [16] Bernhard Hess 0 0 0 2 Right-wing, National conservatism
Total       7 46 200 2559  

Notes: ¹ Federal Council since 2004; ² Council of States, 2007; ³ National Council 2007; (members of party or caucus)

Minor groups

The following groups or parties are not represented at either the cantonal or national level (but may hold positions in municipal parliaments).

Abbr. Name W Leader Ideology Founded Popular vote[1]
FPS/PSL Freedom Party [17] Peter Commarmot Right-wing, National liberalism 1984 n/a
HPS/PHS Swiss Humanist Party [18] Daniel Horowitz Humanist Movement 1984 n/a
KVP Catholic People's Party [19] Lukas Brühwiler-Frésey Catholic social teaching 1994 n/a
PNOS Swiss Nationalist Party [20] Dominic Lüthard Far-right, Ethnic nationalism 2000 0.05%
PPS Pirate Party [21] Denis Simonet Freedom of Information, Information privacy 2009 0.48%
TPS/PSpA Tierpartei Schweiz [22] Thomas Märki Animal rights 2010 0.15% [23] Lukas Harder Voluntary association of independent politicians formed for the 2011 elections; opposing party politics 2011 0.19%
MontagnaViva [24] Germano Mattei Regionalism (Alpine Ticino) 2011 0.08%
Alpenparlament [25] Alternative medicine 2011 0.06% [26] Separation of church and state 2011 0.05%
Volksaktion [27] right-wing populism (Basel-Stadt) 2002 0.03%
La gauche combative [28] Communism (Geneva) 2002 0.03%
Les Rauraques [29] Separatism (Bernese Jura) 2011 0.03%

Historical parties

Name Ideology Active Continued as
Communist Party of Switzerland Communism 19211940 Partei der Arbeit
Communist Party of Switzerland/MarxistLeninists Communism 19691987 Libertarian Socialist Party
Communist Party Opposition Communism 19301925 Social Democratic Party of Switzerland
Democratic Party Direct democracy 18601971 Swiss People's Party
Party of Farmers, Traders and Independents (BGB) Centrism, Agrarianism 19361971 Swiss People's Party
Eidgenössische Sammlung Fascism/nationalism 19401943
Free Democratic Party of Switzerland (FDP/PRD/PLR) Classical liberalism, Radicalism 18942009 FDP.The Liberals
Liberal Party of Switzerland (LPS/PLS) Classical liberalism 19132009 FDP.The Liberals
National Front Fascism/nationalism 1930s Eidgenössische Sammlung
National Movement of Switzerland (NBS) Nazism 19401941
National Union Fascism/nationalism 19321940
Progressive Organizations of Switzerland (POCH) Communism 19691993
Ring of Independents (LdU) Centrism 19361999
Volkspartei der Schweiz (VPS) Neo-Nazism 1950s

Names in the national languages

Abbr. Party German name French Italian Romansh
CVP/PDC Christian Democratic People's Party Christlichdemokratische Volkspartei der Schweiz or CVP Parti Démocrate-Chrétien Suisse or PDC Partito Popolare Democratico or PPD Partida Cristian-democratica de la Svizra or PCD
FDP/PRD Free Democratic Party Freisinnig-Demokratische Partei der Schweiz or FDP Parti radical-démocratique suisse or PRD Partito Liberale Radicale or PLR Partida liberaldemocrata de la Svizra or PLD
SPS/PSS Social Democratic Party Sozialdemokratische Partei der Schweiz or SP Parti Socialiste Suisse or PSS Partito Socialista Svizzero or PSS Partida Socialdemocratica de la Svizra or PSS
SVP/UDC Swiss People's Party Schweizerische Volkspartei or SVP Union Démocratique du Centre or UDC Unione Democratica di Centro or UDC Partida Populara Svizra or PPS
CSP/PCS Christian Social Party Christlich-soziale Partei or CSP Parti chrétien-social or PCS Partito Cristiano Sociale or PCS Partida cristiansociala de la Svizra or PCS
BDP/PBD Conservative Democratic Party Bürgerlich-Demokratische Partei Schweiz or BDP Parti bourgeois démocratique Suisse or PBD Partito borghese democratico Svizzera or PBD Partida burgais democratica Svizra or PBD
EVP/PEV Evangelical People's Party Evangelische Volkspartei der Schweiz or EVP Parti Evangelique Suisse or PEV Partito Evangelico or PE Partida Evangelica Svizra or PEV
FPS/PSL Freedom Party Freiheits-Partei der Schweiz or FPS Parti Suisse de la Liberté or PSL Partito svizzero della Libertà or PSL Partida Svizra da la Libertad or PSL
GPS/PES Green Party Grüne Partei der Schweiz or Grüne Parti Ecologiste Suisse or Les Verts Partito Ecologista Svizzero or I Verdi Partida Ecologica Svizra or La Verda
LPS/PLS Liberal Party Liberale Partei der Schweiz or LPS Parti libéral suisse or PLS Partito Liberale Svizzero or PLS Partida liberal-conservativa Svizra or PLC
SD/DS Swiss Democrats Schweizer Demokraten or SD Démocrates Suisses or DS Democratici Svizzeri or DS Democrats Svizzers or DS
Lega Ticino League Lega dei Ticinesi
EDU/UDF Federal Democratic Union Eidgenössisch-Demokratische Union or EDU Union Démocratique Fédérale or UDF Unione Democratica Federale or UDF Uniun democrata federala or UDF
PdA/PST Swiss Party of Labour Partei der Arbeit der Schweiz or PdA Parti suisse du travail - Parti Ouvrier et Populaire or PST-POP Partito Comunista or PC Partida svizra da la lavur or PSdL

Sources: The Swiss Federal Chancellery


  1. ^ Swiss federal election, 2011, where applicable

See also

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