- Sitwell
Sitwell can refer to someone from the notable Sitwell literary family:
Edith Sitwell
*Osbert Sitwell
*Sacheverell Sitwell Also
George Sitwell
*Stan Sitwell , fictional character
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.
Sitwell can refer to someone from the notable Sitwell literary family:
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.
Sitwell — ist der Familienname folgender Personen: Edith Sitwell (1887–1964), britische Dichterin Osbert Sitwell (1892–1969), britischer Schriftsteller Diese Seite ist eine Begriffsklärung zur Unterscheidung mehrerer mit demselben Wo … Deutsch Wikipedia
Sitwell — Sitwell, Edith … Enciclopedia Universal
Sitwell — [ sɪtwəl], 1) Dame (ab 1954) Edith, englische Schriftstellerin, * Scarborough 7. 9. 1887, ✝ London 9. 12. 1964, Schwester von 2) und 3); gilt mit ihrer stark rhythmisierten, dissonanzreichen Lyrik voll spielerischer Bildprägungen als… … Universal-Lexikon
Sitwell — (izg. sȉtvel), Edith (1887 1964) DEFINICIJA engleska pjesnikinja neosimbolističke struje; emotivnom istančanošću stihova, religioznom i spiritualnom simbolikom osobito u kasnijim zbirkama Vrtlari i astronomi i Odbačeni stekla reputaciju velike… … Hrvatski jezični portal
Sitwell — [sit′wəl, sit′wel] 1. Dame Edith 1887 1964; Eng. poet & critic: sister of Osbert & Sacheverell 2. Sir Osbert [äz′bərt] 1892 1969; Eng. poet & essayist 3. Sacheverell [sə shev′ər əl] 1897 1988; Eng. poet & art critic … English World dictionary
Sitwell — noun English poet (1887 1964) • Syn: ↑Dame Edith Sitwell, ↑Dame Edith Louisa Sitwell • Instance Hypernyms: ↑poet * * * Sitwell [Sitwell] the name of a sister and two brothers of an ↑ … Useful english dictionary
Sitwell — Recorded in the spellings of Sedwell, Sidwell, Sydwell, and Sitwell, this is an English locational surname. It originates from either a lost medieval village originally called Sid waella or possibly Sid halh , and meaning the spring by the Sid… … Surnames reference
SITWELL (LES) — SITWELL LES Les Sitwell composent un groupe familial et littéraire qui illustre les lettres anglaises au cours du XXe siècle. Poète dont le style a été exactement décrit par le mot: «flamboyant», Edith (1887 1964) est la fille d’un baronet, dont… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Sitwell Baronets — The Sitwell Baronetcy, of Renishaw in the County of Derby, is a title in the Baronetage of the United Kingdom. It was created on 3 October 1808 for Sitwell Sitwell, Member of Parliament for West Looe. The Sitwell family had been ironmasters and… … Wikipedia
Sitwell, Dame Edith — ▪ British poet born Sept. 7, 1887, Scarborough, Yorkshire, Eng. died Dec. 9, 1964, London English poet who first gained fame for her stylistic artifices but who emerged during World War II as a poet of emotional depth and profoundly human… … Universalium