- Petersson inner product
mathematics the Petersson inner product is aninner product defined on the space of entiremodular form s. It was introduced by the German mathematicianHans Petersson .Definition
Let mathbb{M}_k be the space of entire modular forms of weight k and mathbb{S}_k the space of
cusp form s.The mapping langle cdot , cdot angle : mathbb{M}_k imes mathbb{S}_k ightarrow mathbb{C},
:langle f , g angle := int_mathrm{F} f( au) overline{g( au)}
(operatorname{Im} au)^k d u ( au)
is called Petersson inner product, where
:mathrm{F} = left{ au in mathrm{H} : left| operatorname{Re} au ight| leq frac{1}{2}, left| au ight| geq 1 ight}
is a fundamental region of the
modular group Gamma and for au = x + iy:d u( au) = y^{-2}dxdy
is the hyperbolic volume form.
The integral is
absolutely convergent and the Petersson inner product is apositive definite Hermite form .For the
Hecke operator s T_n we have::langle T_n f , g angle = langle f , T_n g angle
This can be used to show that the space of cusp forms has an orthonormal basis consisting of simultaneous
eigenfunction s for the Hecke operators and theFourier coefficients of these forms are all real.References
* T.M. Apostol, "Modular Functions and Dirichlet Series in Number Theory", Springer Verlag Berlin Heidelberg New York 1990, ISBN 3-540-97127-0
* M. Koecher, A. Krieg, "Elliptische Funktionen und Modulformen", Springer Verlag Berlin Heidelberg New York 1998, ISBN 3-540-63744-3
* S. Lang, "Introduction to Modular Forms", Springer Verlag Berlin Heidelberg New York 2001, ISBN 3-540-07833-9
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