- Iberá Wetlands
The Iberá Wetlands (in Spanish, "Esteros del Iberá", from Guaraní "ý berá" "bright water") are the second-largest
wetland s inworld afterPantanal inBrazil . They are located in the center and center-north of the province|Corrientes|Argentina. The "Esteros" are a mix ofswamp s,bog s, stagnantlake s,lagoon s, natural slough and courses of water of pluvial origin, with a total area of between 15,000 and 20,000 km².Since 1982, the wetlands are part of a protected area (the Iberá Natural Reserve), which comprises 13,000 km² (14% of the surface area of Corrientes, the largest protected area in Argentina). Iberá is also one of the most important fresh water reservoirs in the continent.
The Natural Reserve hosts a large
biodiversity , including four species that have been declared "provincial natural monuments": theneotropical river otter , themaned wolf , thepampas deer , and themarsh deer . It is also home to the two Argentine species of alligator, theYacare caiman ("yacaré negro") and thebroad-snouted caiman ("yacaré overo"), as well as thecapybara (the world's largestrodent ) and about 350bird species.References
* [http://www.esterosdelibera.com/ General Information of Ibera] (in English and Spanish)
* [http://www.argentrip.com/e/ibera/eabajoiberaa.htm Marshlands of Iberá] (in English)
* [http://www.posadadelalaguna.com/ Posada de la Laguna] (in English, Spanish, Francais)
* [http://www.iberaesteros.com.ar/ Posada Aguapé] (in Spanish)
* [http://jastgou.blogspot.com/2008/05/ibera-wetlands-aka-guide-to-colonia.html Guide to Ibera and Carlos Pellegrini] (in English)
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