- Francis Burns
Francis Burns (1809 – 1863) was an American
Methodist minster who served as a missionary inLiberia . He was the first Missionary Bishop, and the firstAfrican American Bishop of theMethodist Episcopal Church . He was elected in 1858.Birth, enslavement and early education
Francis was born
5 December 1809 inAlbany, New York . He was said to be "thoroughlyAfrican in hiscomplexion ."New York was still aslave state at this time. Francis' parents were sopoor , such that at the age of four they placed their son in service with afarmer inGreene County, New York . At the age of eight, Francis wasindentured to a Mr. Atwood (a farmer) to learn thefarming business.Francis was kindly permitted to attend
school with the otherchildren of theneighborhood , during the winterseason (which is when most early schools were open, thefarm chores being fewer during the winter). Two years later, however, his health becoming poor, Francis was sent to the district school during the entire summer.Early religious life and ministry
The Atwood family was respectable and eminently
pious .The Atwood family lived in Ashland, New York in a house now owned By Samuel Creech. Francis attended the North Settlement Methodist Church, County Route 10 Ashland. Mrs. Atwood was aMethodist class-leader . One who knew her said she was "a holy and zealous woman." At fifteen years of age Francis was converted to theChristian faith under the influence of Miss Stewart, a white teacher, the daughter of aBaptist preacher. At seventeen Francis felt that God required him topreach . Yet he refrained from doing so because he was bound to his master until the age of twenty-one.His
education was insufficient from Francis' own perspective. And there appeared no field in which he might labor in answer his calling. When the way finally opened, he felt unwilling to enter it. But possessing an unquenchable thirst forknowledge , Francis employed all his efforts to obtain it. While attending ahigh school he began to hold religious meetings, and to exhort. He also began toteach school. Indeed, Francis is said to have been "the firstcolored student in a white school," the Academy atLexington Heights, New York . He is also said to have been "the first colored teacher in a white school," in his own community, where he received marked respect. He was subsequently licensed as a local preacher on the Windham circuit.Bishop
Matthew Simpson said of Francis Burns, in reflection::"By his intelligence, his consistent piety, and by the force of his character, he rose above the disabilities of his color, and commanded the respect of all that knew him."Missionary service
The Rev. Francis Burns became noticed as a
pastor and apreacher . A Dr. Terry of the Mission Rooms was chiefly instrumental in leading him into missionary work. He encouraged Francis to enter upon a course of study, that he might be ready to go to Liberia or elsewhere, should the door open. In 1833 Dr. Terry secured for Francis aninterview with Bishop Hedding. In 1834, when the Rev. John Seys was about to sail forLiberia , it was arranged that the Rev. Burns should accompany him as a Missionary Teacher. Sailing in September of that year, they arrived inMonrovia 18 October.The Rev. Burns' first appointment in Liberia was as at
Cape Palmas . For two years he suffered from the dreadedfever . He joined the LiberiaAnnual Conference in 1838, and in 1840-42 was an assistantPreacher on theBassa Circuit. During 1843 and the early part of 1844 he was appointed toMonrovia . In due course he was elected to orders. Then ten years after arriving in Liberia, returning to New York, Francis Burns wasordained by Bishop Janes.The Rev. Burns performed hard and difficult work in the missionary field. He also occasionally occupied the post of
teacher in the MonroviaSeminary . He served as Editor of the "Africa's Luminary," doing so with marked ability.Ordained ministry
The Rev. Francis Burns returned to the U.S. in 1844. He was ordained
Deacon 16 June 1844 inBrooklyn, N.Y. . He was ordained Elder in the Mulberry Street Church inNew York City the same day, with Bishop Janes officiating at both services. The Rev. Burns returned to Liberia later that year.When, at the 1849 session of the Mission Conference, the work in Liberia was divided into districts, the Rev. Burns was appointed
Presiding Elder of theCape Palmas District. For six years of the ten that he was Presiding Elder, he also served asPresident of the Conference, reporting clearly and comprehensively the business of the mission to the Missionary Board in New York. In 1851, Burns also was sent to open anacademy in Monrovia and to superintend the Mission there.Episcopal ministry
The 1856 General Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church made provision for the first time for the election and consecration of a
Missionary Bishop (for the African work). Accordingly, in January 1858 the Liberia Annual Conference elected the Rev. Francis Burns as their first Bishop. He returned to theU.S.A. forconsecration . This took place 14 October 1858 at the session of the Genesee Annual Conference, meeting in Perry, Wyoming County,New York . Bishops Janes and Baker presided at the consecration.Bishop Simpson, quoting Dr. John Robie (who was present at the Conference), described the proceedings::"Though of ebony complexion, he had gained wonderfully on the affection and respect of all who had made his acquaintance, and especially of those privileged to an intimate association with him. His manner is exceedingly pleasant, and his spirit is as kind, sweet, and good as ever beamed from human heart or disposition. He seems to be lacking in none of the qualifications of the
gentleman and Christian minister. He possesses also an intelligent and cultivated mind, speaks readily and fluently, and even eloquently, and is in all respects a model African. Such is the man whom the Liberian Conference has selected for a bishop, and such the one the highest authorities of one American church have set apart for the sacred and responsible position."Bishop Burns returned to
Africa almost immediately following his consecration, where he devoted himself to the work which devolved upon him for the next nearly five years.Failing health and death
Bishop Burns' health began to fail. He was therefore directed to take a
sea voyage . On the advice of hisphysician , Bishop Burns then returned to the U.S.A. He died18 April 1863 within three days of his arrival inBaltimore, Maryland , a mere three months after Emancipation in the United States. Bishop Burns was buried inMonrovia ,Liberia .Biographies
* Trafton, Mark, Lives of Missionary Bishops, Flood and Hamilton, 1882.
* "Francis Burns" in Cyclopaedia of Methodism, Matthew Simpson,D.D. ,LL.D. , Ed., ("Revised Edition.")Philadelphia , Louis H. Everts, 1880. [http://wesley.nnu.edu/wesleyctr/books/0701-0800/HDM0720.PDF]References
Thomas, James S. Methodism's Racial Dilemma: The Story of the Central Jurisdiction.Nashville :Abingdon Press , 1992.
*Leete, Frederick DeLand, Methodist Bishops. Nashville, The Methodist Publishing House, 1948.ee also
List of Bishops of the United Methodist Church
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