- Confédération générale du travail
Infobox Union
name= CGT
members= 710,000
full_name= General Confederation of Labour
native_name= Confédération générale du travail
founded= September,1895
office= Montreuil, France
people=Bernard Thibault , secretary general
website= [http://www.cgt.fr www.cgt.fr]
footnotes= The General Confederation of Labour (French: "Confédération générale du travail" or CGT) is anational trade union center , one of the five major Frenchconfederation s oftrade union s. It is the largest in terms of votes (32.1% at the 2002 professional election), and second largest in terms of membership numbers. Its membership decreased to 650,000 members in 1995-96 (it had more than double whenFrançois Mitterrand was elected President in 1981), before increasing today to between 700,000 and 720,000 members, a bit less than theCFDT [ Numbers given by Michel Dreyfus, author of "Histoire de la C.G.T.", Ed. Complexes, 1999, interviewed inPascal Riché , [http://www.rue89.com/2007/11/21/en-pronant-la-negociation-la-cgt-peut-faire-bouger-le-syndicalisme En prônant la négociation, la CGT "peut faire bouger le syndicalisme"] , "Rue 89 ", 21 November 2007 fr icon] . According to the historian M. Dreyfus, the CGT is slowly evolving, since the 1990s, during which it cut all organic links with theFrench Communist Party (PCF), to a more moderate stance, and concentrating its attention, in particular since the 1995 general strikes, to trade-unionism in private sectors . Most recently in the news for briefly delaying Stage 3 of the Tour de France on July 7, 2008.Before World War II
It was founded in
1895 from the merge of the "Fédération des bourses du travail " (Federation of Labour Councils) and the "Fédération nationale des syndicats " (National Federation of Trade Unions). Up until 1921 the CGT was dominated byanarcho-syndicalists , having as vice-secretaryEmile Pouget . During this period, the CGT was violently opposed to both the authorities and to employers. Moreover, it refused to become affiliated to a political party. In 1906, the "Charte d'Amiens " proclaimed the independence of trade unions. Furthermore, under the leadership ofLéon Jouhaux , the confederation joined the "sacred union " duringWorld War I , which provoked the CGT's first internal division. While Jouhaux tried to associate the CGT with the authorities, his opponents criticized the pervading air of nationalism. They welcomed news of the 1917October Revolution with hope.In 1919,
Pierre Monatte created theRevolutionary Syndicalist Committees ("Comités syndicalistes révolutionnaires") current inside the CGT, which opposed the trade-union's collaboration with the government during the war, carried out in the name of the "Union sacrée " national bloc.Following the Revolution in Russia, the French labour movement became increasingly divided between "revolutionaries" who supported the Bolsheviks and strong action at home and "reformists" who favoured moderation and re-affiliation to the pre-war Second International. One outcome of this division was the expulsion of the "revolutionaries". Following the 1920
Tours Congress during which the majority ofSFIO members voted to acceptLenin 's21 Conditions , leading to the creation of the French Section of the Communist International (SFIC), the CGT also split. Radicals created the "Confédération générale du travail unitaire " (CGTU), where communists initially cohabited with anarchists, revolutionary trade unionists.In 1934, left-wing parties united in order to counteract the far-right. Two years later, the Popular Front won the 1936 legislative election. At the same time, the CGT and the CGTU were reunited.
Benoît Frachon negotiated for the CGT the1936 Matignon Agreements in June with the employers and the government.Nevertheless, the Communists were expelled as a result of the
German-Soviet pact in 1939, then the CGT was dissolved by theVichy government .The CGT transformed itself into an underground organization in the Resistance. It became increasingly influenced by the
French Communist Party . After the ejection of the communists from the government and the 1947 general strike a further split took place, this time involving the departure of the reformist right, followed in1948 , whenLéon Jouhaux founded Workers' Force ("Force ouvrière" or FO) withCIA support. The FO criticized the communist influence as being incompatible with the "Charte d'Amiens". In order to preserve its unity, theFederation for National Education ("Fédération de l'Education nationale" or FEN) left the CGT but did not join FO. The communistBenoît Frachon became leader of the CGT.After World War II
Although the CGT was dominant in French trade unionism, it was isolated until 1966. At this moment, it chose to coordinate its actions with the French Democratic Confederation of Labour ("Confédération française démocratique du travail" or CFDT). During
May 68 , the confederation was criticized by the far-left because its leaderGeorges Séguy had signed theGrenelle agreements with Prime ministerGeorges Pompidou . In the 1970s, it supported the "Union of Left". But after the defeat of the 1978 legislative election, the alliance with the CFDT was broken.The election of
Henri Krasucki in 1982, followed by the resignation of the communist ministers (Charles Fiterman ,Marcel Rigout andJack Ralite ) two years later, after the substitution ofLaurent Fabius as Prime minister toPierre Mauroy , led to an initial radicalisation of the confederation. However, at the end of his term (1982-1992), Krasucki began to distance himself from the PCFPascal Riché , [http://www.rue89.com/2007/11/21/en-pronant-la-negociation-la-cgt-peut-faire-bouger-le-syndicalisme En prônant la négociation, la CGT "peut faire bouger le syndicalisme"] , "Rue 89 ", 21 November 2007 fr icon] . His successor,Louis Vianet , did the same, going as far as resigning from the political bureau of the party . Thus, during the 1990s, under the leadership ofLouis Viannet andBernard Thibault , the CGT cut its organic links with the French Communist Party and succeeded in remaining one of the two major French union confederations.From the 1995 general strike to today
It was the leading trade-union in the 1995 general strike against
Alain Juppé 's plan of Welfare State reforms (in particular concerning pensions). The CGT also protested against UMP ministerFrançois Fillon 's project of pensions reforms in 2003. In February 2005, the National Confederate Committee (CCN), the "Parliament" of the trade-union, rejected national secretaryBernard Thibault 's support of the TCE. Therefore, the CGT actively supported the "NO" during the 2005 referendum on the TCE (Treaty establishing a Constitution for Europe), criticizing its neo-liberal orientation and weaknesses concerning the few democratic measures about the working of theEuropean Union (EU) institutions.In autumn 2005, the
Marseille se section of the CGT, representing the more radical faction opposed to Bernard Thibault's more centrist views, demonstrated against the privatization of theSNCM ship company. The CGT then supported the student movement during the 2006 protests against the "Contrat première embauche " (CPE, First Employment Contract).The CGT left the Communist-oriented
World Federation of Trade Unions at its 1995 congress and became a member of theEuropean Trade Union Confederation in1999 . It is also a member of theInternational Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) created in 2006.In Africa
In 1937 CGT began organizing workers in
French West Africa . The union's functioning was interrupted by its banning by the Vichy regime, but in 1943-1948 a process of reconstruction took place. The main centres of activity wereSenegal ,Côte d'Ivoire ,Togo and theFrench Soudan . CGT had an upper hand in the Muslim regions in comparison to its main rival CFTC, who depended on the presence of Catholic communities for its recruitment. CGT emereged as the major trade union force amongst the 100 000 strong organized labour force in Senegal andMauritania after the Second World War. [Fall, Mar. "L'Etat et la Question Syndicale au Sénégal".Paris : Éditions L'Harmattan, 1989. p. 24, 27]Within the CGT branches in the region, there was however a growing wish for independence. A leader of CGT in French West Africa, Bassirou Guèye, promoted this idea. At meeting of the Territorial Union of Trade Unions in Senegal and Mauritania, held in
Dakar November 11 -November 12 1955 , the majority of delegates voted for separation from the French CGT. A conference was held in Saint-Louis onJanuary 14 -January 15 1956 which formed theConfédération générale du travail africains (CGTA), separating the parts of the West African CGT organizations from the French CGT. At the conference 50 out of 67 delegates had voted for separation. [Fall, Mar. "L'Etat et la Question Syndicale au Sénégal".Paris : Éditions L'Harmattan, 1989. p. 31-32]In Togo, CGT had 45100 members in 1948 (65% of organized labour). By 1952 the number had decreased to 34000 (46% of organized labour). [Fall, Mar. "L'Etat et la Question Syndicale au Sénégal".
Paris : Éditions L'Harmattan, 1989. p. 44]CGT formed a branch in
Madagascar in 1936. [Busky, Donald F.. "Communism in history and theory. Asia, Africa, and the Americas". Westport: Praeger, 2002. p. 128]Famous members
Benoît Frachon
*Léon Jouhaux
*Henri Krasucki
*Missak Manouchian
*Marcel Paul
*Fernand Pelloutier
*Pierre Monatte (leader at the beginning of the century)References
ee also
List of trade unions
*Anarchism in France
*Politics of France
* other trade unions
** the other confederations:
***Force Ouvrière
***Confédération Française Démocratique du Travail
***Confédération Française des Travailleurs Chrétiens
***Confédération Générale des Cadres
**Solidaires Unitaires Démocratiques
*Mouvement des Entreprises de France External links
* [http://www.cgt.fr Official site of the CGT]
* [http://libcom.org/history/articles/cgt-france/index.php The beginnings of the CGT, 1895-1921] An account and analysis of theanarchist origins of the CGT, and the later rise of the Communist Party within in it.
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