Type GmbH
Industry Construction
Founded 1969 by Artur Schwörer († 2009)
Headquarters Weißenhorn, Germany
Area served Worldwide
Key people Alexander Schwörer,
Christian Schwörer
Products Formwork, Scaffolding, Engineering
Revenue increase 825 million (2010)
Employees 5,500 (2010)
Subsidiaries 48

With a turnover of 825 million euros in 2010, the German company is one of the largest manufacturers and suppliers of formwork and scaffolding systems worldwide. The company's headquarter is located in Weißenhorn, Germany. PERI employs 5,500 people (2010) - of which 850 are engineers - in 49 subsidiaries and 100 storage sites.



PERI was founded in 1969 in Weißenhorn, Germany, by Artur Schwörer († 2009). The company’s name is taken from the Greek preposition “peri” (English: around). The first product was the T 70 V wooden lattice girder belt which had a patented node connection. This was replaced by the GT 24 girder in 1984. The ACS (Automatic Climbing System) was PERI's development of a self-climbing technology system. This technology enables the casting of tall buildings with minimal crane use. At the beginning of the 80s, PERI was at the forefront of using aluminum in the construction business. The CEO Alexander Schwörer, graduated from the Tuck School of Business in 2002 and the CEO Christian Schwörer formerly worked at Goldman Sachs.

Product overview

The product range includes formwork girders, panel and wall formwork, column formwork, slab formwork, climbing formwork,[1] climbing systems, bridge and tunnel formwork, platform systems, shoring systems, working scaffolds, protection scaffolds, access systems, props, push-pull props, plywood, brace frames for single-sided concreting, tie systems and services, software and training.


Projects that PERI is or was involved in:


  1. ^ Building towers over Auckland's North Shore - NZ Construction News, Volume 2, Issue 3, July 2007

External links


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