Radha Burnier

Radha Burnier

TheosophyRadha Burnier (born 15 November 1923 in Adyar, India) is a freemason and president of the Theosophical Society Adyar since 1980. She was General Secretary of the Indian Section of the Society between 1960 and 1978.

She is the daughter of Nilakanta Sri Ram who was the fifth President of the T.S. Adyar as well. She was educated in Theosophical Schools and was a student in Rukmini Devi Arundale's school of classical Indian dance (the Kalakshetra Foundation). Later on she went to the Benares Hindu University from which she otained a B.A. with distinction and a M.A. on Sanskrit, standing first in that University. She played a pivotal role in Jean Renoir's film "The River" ("Le Fleuve").

She joined the Theosophical Society in 1935 and was president of youth and adult Lodges for several years. She was President of the Madras Theosophical Federation (1959-63) and librarian and worker at the Indian Section Headquarters of the TS (1945-51). She has been a member of the General Council of the TS (Adyar) since 1960, and has been in its Executive Committee, Finance Committee and Theosophical Publishing House Council for many years. She has lectured extensively around the world on a regular basis since 1960 and has been guest speaker at many conventions, congresses and summer schools. She presided over three World Congresses of the Theosophical Society: 1982 in Nairobi, Kenya; 1993 in Brasilia, Brazil, and 2001 in Sydney, Australia. In July 1990 she conducted two well-attended seminars on "Human Regeneration" at the International Theosophical Centre in Naarden, The Netherlands, which included participants from many countries. In one of the sessions, speaking on "Regeneration and the Objects of the T.S.", she said: "Universal brotherhood, the realization of a mind in which there is no prejudice whatsoever, no barrier against anything, is regeneration, because such a consciousness is tottaly different from the ordinary consciousness." She is the author of numerous articles in "The Theosophist", of which she has been the editor since 1980, and other Theosophical journals. She supervised and directed the work of the Adyar Library and Research Centre since 1954 and is the editor of the Library's research journals and publications. She also translated Sanskrit works for publication.

Radha Burnier is the Head of the Krotona Institute of Theosophy in Ojai, California; The Manor Centre in Sydney and President of the International Theosophical Centre in Naarden, Holland. She is president of the "Olcott Education Society", The Theosophical Order of Service (founded by Annie Besant in 1908), the Besant Education Fellowship and founder of The New Life for India Movement (1968), which promotes right citizenship, right values and right means among Indians. She is a former member of "Le Droit Humain" and presently is the Head of the Eastern Order of International Co-Freemasonry. She was also a close associate of Jiddu Krishnamurti and is a Trustee of the Krishnamurti Foundation India. On 4th November 1980, at her invitation, Krishnamurti visited Adyar after an absence of 47 years. He walked with her and a number of residents from the main gate of the compound to the sea-shore and visited the beach where he was discovered, in 1909, by C. W. Leadbeater. Two years later, in December 1982, during the Adyar Centenary Convention of the TS, Krishnamurti planted a pippal [boddhi] tree at Adyar.

("Source:" Biographical data issued by the Secretary's Office, The Theosophical Society, Adyar, Madras, India, 1973; "Krishnamurti - A Biography" by Pupul Jayakar, Harper & Row,1986; "The Theosophist", Adyar Centenary Convention issue, April and May 1983.)


* "Human regeneration, lectures and discussions". Theosophical Publishing House, Wheaton 1991; ISBN 81-7059-169-4
* "No Other Path to Go". Theosophical Publishing House, Wheaton 1985; ISBN 0-8356-7578-5
* "The Way of Self-Knowledge". Theosophical Publishing House, Wheaton 1993; ISBN 81-7059-216-X
* "Truth, Beauty, and Goodness". Theosophical Publishing House, Wheaton 1985; ISBN 0-8356-7576-9

External links

* [http://www.singaporelodge.org/Radha_Burnier.htm Announcement of a lecture] at singaporelodge.org
* [http://www.havelshouseofhistory.com/Autographs%20of%20Religious%20Leaders%20BUL-BZ.htm Mini-biography] at the autograph section of havelshouseofhistory.com
* [http://www.grandlodge.org.uk/press%20release1.htm Press release on her work in Freemasonry] , November 1, 2003
* [http://www.katinkahesselink.net/other/radha1.html Online article with Radha Burnier's basic philosophy]
* [http://www.vegetarianismo.com.br/sitio/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=820&Itemid=106 Por que sou vegetariana]
* [http://www.helenablavatsky.com.br/ Helena Blavatsky]
* [http://www.kingsford.com.br Anna Kingsford]
* [http://www.theosophical.org/publications/questmagazine/novdec2001/burnier/index.php Inaugural Address - On the Commencement of her Fourth Term of Office as President of the Theosophical Society, Adyar, July 15, 2001]
* [http://www.austheos.org.au/topics/RB-newlight.htm Lecture by Radha Burnier at the H. P. Blavatsky Centenary Convention, Adyar, December 1991]
* [http://www.theosophical.ca/PathWisdom.htm The Path of Wisdom - article by Radha Burnier, The Theosophist, December 1980]
* [http://www.austheos.org.au/topics/RB-TS-and-K.htm Krishnamurti and the Theosophical Society - interview with Radha Burnier]
* [http://www.austheos.org.au/topics/univyogatrad.htm Universal Yoga Tradition - 1988 Blavatsky Lecture by Radha Burnier]
* [http://www.austheos.org.au/topics/rb-gurus.htm Masters and Gurus - article by Radha Burnier, The Theosophist, October 1982]
* [http://www.austheos.org.au/topics/rb-stagesonpath.htm Stages on the Path - article by Radha Burnier, The Theosophist, October 1982]
* [http://www.theosophical.org/resources/articles/ClearVision.pdf Clear Vision and Sane Living - article by Radha Burnier, The Theosophist, March 1989]
* [http://www.theosophical.ca/CultureProgress.htm T.R. Venkatarama Sastri Memorial Lecture by Radha Burnier delivered on 22 November 1986 at Madras]
* [http://www.katinkahesselink.net/his/rings.htm H.P.B.'s Signet Ring - article by Radha Burnier, The Theosophist, June 2001]
* [http://www.theosophical.ca/WatchTower1978a.htm On the Watch-Tower by Radha Burnier, The Theosophist, May 1978]
* [http://www.theosophical.ca/socialvalues.htm Social Values and Spiritual Insight, article by Radha Burnier contributed to "Freedom, Progress and Society"]
* [http://www.theosophical.ca/ReligionTruth.htm There is no Religion Higher than Truth, article by Radha Burnier, The Theosophist, March 1982]
* [http://www.katinkahesselink.net/other/radha1.html Walking Without Crutches, On the Watch-Tower by Radha Burnier, The Theosophist, June 2003]
* [http://www.theosophical.org/publications/questmagazine/novdec05/burnier/index.php The Three Refuges - article by Radha Burnier, Quest Magazine]
* [http://www.theosophical.org/publications/questmagazine/marapr04/burnier/index.php Signs Everywhere - article by Radha Burnier, Quest Magazine]
* [http://www.theosophical.org/publications/questmagazine/novdec04/burnier/index.php What is Our Priority? - article by Radha Burnier, Quest Magazine]
* [http://www.theosophical.org/publications/questmagazine/janfeb03/burnier/index.php The Alchemy of Experience - article by Radha Burnier, Quest Magazine]
* [http://www.theosophical.org/publications/questmagazine/marchapril03/burnier/index.php Delight as a Form of Yoga - article by Radha Burnier, Quest Magazine]
* [http://www.theosophical.org/publications/questmagazine/mayjune03/burnier/index.php Maturity of the Mind - article by Radha Burnier, Quest Magazine]
* [http://www.theosophical.org/publications/questmagazine/julyaugust03/adyar/index.php The Urgency for a New Perspective - article by Radha Burnier, Quest Magazine]
* [http://www.theosophical.org/publications/questmagazine/marapr02/burnier/index.php Strength or Weakness? - article by Radha Burnier, Quest Magazine]
* [http://www.theosophical.org/publications/questmagazine/julaug02/burnier/index.php Being in the World, but Not of It - article by Radha Burnier, Quest Magazine]
* [http://www.theosophical.org/publications/questmagazine/marapr2001/burnier/index.php The Web of Life - article by Radha Burnier, Quest Magazine]
* [http://www.theosophical.org/publications/questmagazine/mayjune2000/thinkingaloud/index.php A New Millennium of Awareness and Action - article by Radha Burnier, Quest Magazine]
* [http://www.theosophical.org/publications/questmagazine/julyaugust2000/burnier/index.php The Ever-Present Reality - article by Radha Burnier, Quest Magazine]
* [http://www.theosophical.org/publications/questmagazine/septemberoctober1999/thinkingaloud/index.php Nothingness - article by Radha Burnier, Quest Magazine]
* [http://www.theosophical.ca/Life&Death.htm Life and Death - article by Radha Burnier, The Theosophist, December 1985]
* [http://www.theosophical.ca/RightLiving.htm Rightness of Living - article by Radha Burnier, The Theosophist, August 1981]
* [http://www.theosophical.ca/Shadows.htm Shadows and Reality - article by Radha Burnier, The Theosophist, November 1985]
* [http://www.theosophical.ca/ActionEnd.htm Action Without End - article by Radha Burnier, The Theosophist, May 1987]
* [http://www.theosophical.ca/QuietDepths.htm The Quiet Depths - article by Radha Burnier, The Theosophist, June 1986]
* [http://theosophical-society.org.uk/html/insight_articles/summer2005_self_knowledge.html The Way of Self-Knowledge - 1979 Blavatsky Lecture by Radha Burnier at The Theosophical Society in England]
* [http://www.gudspekifelagid.is/english/Radha_Burnier_To_Be_Forever_Young_1.htm To Be Forever Young - Convention Lecture by Radha Burnier, Adyar]
* [http://www.kinfonet.org/The_Link/link_23/burnier.asp Krishnaji as I Knew Him - talk by Radha Burnier, Adyar Lodge of the Theosophical Society, February 1994]
* [http://ts-adyar.org/magazine/the_theosophist/dec_07_theos/05_Tower1.html Seeing Correctly - On the Watch-Tower - article by Radha Burnier, The Theosophist, December 2007]
* [http://ts-adyar.org/magazine/the_theosophist/nov_07_theos/05_Tower1.html The Human Mind - On the Watch-Tower - article by Radha Burnier, The Theosophist, November 2007]
* [http://ts-adyar.org/magazine/the_theosophist/oct_07_theos/05_Burnier1.html Theosophical Philosophy - talk by Radha Burnier at the Centenary celebration of the Finnish Section of the TS, Helsinki, 15 July 2007]
* [http://ts-adyar.org/magazine/the_theosophist/sep_07_theos/05_Burnier1.html Compassion - The Basis for Peace and Understading - Lecture given at the European Theosophical Congress in Helsinki, 17 July 2007]
* [http://ts-adyar.org/magazine/the_theosophist/nov_04Theosphis/04_on_the_watch_tower1.htm Freedom and Desirelessness - On the Watch-Tower - article by Radha Burnier, The Theosophist, November 2004]
* [http://ts-adyar.org/magazine/the_theosophist/oct_04Theosphis/04_on_the_watch_tower1.htm The Timeless Human Problem - On the Watch-Tower - article by Radha Burnier, The Theosophist, October 2004]
* [http://ts-adyar.org/magazine/the_theosophist/sep_04Theosphis/04_on_the_watch_tower1.htm All is for the Good - On the Watch-Tower - article by Radha Burnier, The Theosophist, September 2004]
* [http://ts-adyar.org/magazine/the_theosophist/aug_04/04_watch_tower_notes1.htm A Herald of the TS - On the Watch-Tower - article by Radha Burnier, The Theosophist, August 2004]
* [http://ts-adyar.org/magazine/the_theosophist/Theosophist_July_04/05_watch_tower1.html Verbal Delusions - On the Watch-Tower - article by Radha Burnier, The Theosophist, July 2004]
* [http://ts-adyar.org/magazine/the_theosophist/May_2004_theos/04_watch_tower_notes1.html Living Wisdom or Dead Tradition? - On the Watch-Tower - article by Radha Burnier, The Theosophist, May 2004]
* [http://ts-adyar.org/magazine/the_theosophist/March_2004_theos/05_watch_tower1.html Inner Balance - On the Watch-Tower - article by Radha Burnier, The Theosophist, March 2004]
* [http://eboardiitmreflections.blogspot.com/2005/04/what-does-it-mean-to-be-human.html What does it mean to be Human? - Talk given by Radha Burnier for "Reflections" at the Indian Institute of Technology, Chennai, 15th March 2005]
* [http://ts-adyar.org/magazine/the_theosophist/Jan_04_theos/05_watch_tower1.html Presidential Address by Radha Burnier, delivered at the 128th Annual Convention of the Theosophical Society, 26th December 2003 at Adyar]
* [http://ts-adyar.org/magazine/the_theosophist/dec_03_theos/05_watch_tower1.html A Basis of Rightness - On the Watch-Tower - article by Radha Burnier, The Theosophist, December 2003]
* [http://ts-adyar.org/magazine/the_theosophist/nov_03_theos/05_watch_tower1.html Learning to be Contented - On the Watch-Tower - article by Radha Burnier, The Theosophist, November 2003]
* [http://ts-adyar.org/magazine/the_theosophist/oct_03_theos/05_watch_tower1.html Creativity or Conformity - On the Watch-Tower by Radha Burnier, The Theosophist, October 2003]
* [http://ts-adyar.org/magazine/the_theosophist/aug_03_theos/05_watch_tower1.html Towards the Eternal - On the Watch-Tower - article by Radha Burnier, The Theosophist, August 2003]
* [http://ts-adyar.org/magazine/the_theosophist/July_03/05_watch_tower1.html What is Our Priority? - On the Watch-Tower - article by Radha Burnier, The Theosophist July 2003]
* [http://ts-adyar.org/magazine/the_theosophist/June_03/05_watch_tower1.html Are We Inherently Selfish? - On the Watch-Tower - article by Radha Burnier, The Theosophist, June 2003]
* [http://ts-adyar.org/magazine/the_theosophist/May_03/05_watch_tower1.html Religion for the Future - On the Watch-Tower - article by Radha Burnier, The Theosophist, May 2003]
* [http://ts-adyar.org/magazine/the_theosophist/april_03/05_watch_tower1.html War Madness - On the Watch-Tower - article by Radha Burnier, The Theosophist, April 2003]
* [http://ts-adyar.org/magazine/the_theosophist/January_03/presidential.htm Presidential Address by Radha Burnier, delivered at the 127th Annual Convention of the Theosophical Society, Adyar, 26th December 2002]
* [http://ts-adyar.org/magazine/the_theosophist/December/onthewatchtower.htm Humanity's Own Path - On the Watch-Tower - article by Radha Burnier, The Theosophist, December 2002]
* [http://ts-adyar.org/magazine/NOVEMBER-02/00001.htm The Art of Living - On the Watch-Tower - article by Radha Burnier, The Theosophist, November 2002]
* [http://www.theosophical.ca/Looking.htm Looking at the World - article by Radha Burnier, The Theosophist, 1988]
* [http://www.theosophical.ca/ChallengeOfLifeRB.html The Challenge of Life - article by Radha Burnier, The Theosophist, September 1979]
* [http://www.thehindu.com/2008/03/05/stories/2008030557860200.htm Award for Radha Burnier, "The Hindu" newspaper, Chennai, South India, 5th March 2008]
* [http://www.olcott-school-chennai.org/index.htm Olcott Memorial High School, founded by Col. Henry Steel Olcott, located at Adyar, is administered by the Olcott Education Society presided over by Radha Burnier]

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