Society Teosofic

Society Teosofic

The The Theosophical Society it is the original organization formed for the diffusion of the philosophical doctrine known as Theosophy.



The The Theosophical Society was originally founded by Helena Blavatsky, Henry Olcott and William Judge and others, in New York, (1875), for the study and explanation of the phenomena related with the mediums and the spiritism, next to the methodical study of the oriental occultism and the compared religions. Years later, the Society declared its social objectives in the following way:

#To form a nucleus of the Fraternity Universal of the Humanity, without distinction of race, sex, breed or color.
#To foment the comparative study of religions, philosophies and sciences.
#To investigate the unexplained laws of the Nature, and the latent powers in the man.


After the death of Blavatsky, in 1891, the leaders of the Society worked in harmony in the memory of the founder. However, this did not last to long. Judge, was accused by Olcott and Annie Besant of falsifying letters of the Indian Mahatmas. So, in 1895, his association ceased with Olcott and Besant, and he took the most of the Nort American Section with him. Later on,there arose from the trunk of the Society, diverse groupings of esoteric and religious character, wherein there entered celebrated esoterists such as Rudolf Steiner and Alice Bailey, among others. Several of these thinkers separated from the original society after the proclamation of the young Indian Jiddu Krishnamurti, as the New World Teacher and Messiah. An organization was created to diffuse his message, the Order of the Star of Orient. Nevertheless, Krishnamurti dissolved the Order in 1929, since his proclamation as religious leader was opposed to his own beliefs of a spirituality without ties.

The headquarters in India (at Adyar, Madras) continued under the Presidency of Henry Steele Olcott and Annie Besant, while the followers of Judge, having adopted the name Society Teosofic, generally with the added clarifier of central headquarter in Pasadena, California. A third association, the Lodge United of Theosophists (ULT) of Robert Crosbie, it was divided in 1909, of the previous organization. The last two groups are characterized by the systematic study of the original work of Helena Blavatsky and William Judge, while the Society of Adyar, has also adopted the doctrinal legacy of Annie Besant and Charles Leadbeater, next to an explicit sympathy for the message of Jiddu Krishnamurti, who was personal friend of Radha Burnier, the actual president of the Society.

In the Society Teosofic several parallel organizations have existed, among them the Order of the Temple of the Rosicrucian, founded in 1912, to revive the Mysteries of the Tradition of West.

Presidents of the Society Teosofic

* Henry Olcott (1875)
* Annie Besant (1907)
* George Arundale (1933)
* Curuppumullage Jinarajadasa (1945)
* Sri Ram (1953)
* John Coats (1973)
* Radha Burnier (1980)

ee also

* Anna Kingsford
* Subba Row
* Damodar Mavalankar
* Marie Russak
* Franz Hartmann


* Besant, Annie: " [ The Ancient Wisdom] "
* Blavatsky, Helena: " [ The Key of the Theosophy] "
* Blavatsky, Helena: " [ The Secret Doctrine] "
* Blavatsky, Helena: "Collected Writings", compiled by Boris of Zirkoff
* CAMPBELL, BRUCE F. (1980). "ANCIENT WISDOM REVIVED: To History of the Theosophical Movement"
* Jinarajadasa, Curupumulage: " [ Foundations of Theosophy] "
* Olcott, Henry: "History of the Society Teosófica" (Old Diary Leaves)
* Pavri, Pestanji: " [ Thesophy Explained] "

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