PRBO Conservation Science

PRBO Conservation Science

Infobox Non-profit
Non-profit_name = PRBO Conservation Science
Non-profit_type = 501 c(3)
founded_date = 1965
founder =
location = 3820 Cypress Drive #11 Petaluma, CA 94954
origins =
key_people = Executive Director Ellie M. Cohen
area_served = Alaska to Antarctica
focus = bird and ecosystem science and outreach
method =
revenue = $6.6 million
endowment =
num_volunteers =
num_employees =
num_members =
owner =
Non-profit_slogan = Conserving birds and their ecosystems through innovative scientific research and outreach.
homepage = []
dissolved =
footnotes = Newsletter: [ The Observer] [ Join PRBO]

PRBO Conservation Science, founded as the Point Reyes Bird Observatory, is a California based wildlife conservation and research non-profit organization. PRBO was founded in 1965 to study the birds migrating along the Pacific flyway, and has run the longest population study of landbirds in Western North America (continuous since 1966), as well as maintaining a research presence on the Farallon Islands since 1969.

PRBO employs 55 biologists, approximately 85 seasonal biologists, and 6 education and outreach staff, who focus on scientific research, conservation biology, and outreach. PRBO has published over 1000 scientific papers, and numerous scientific outreach and education tools. PRBO's science has influenced policy makers, conservation organizations, and ecosystem managers throughout the west. Most of the research is conducted in the western United States, but it can reach as far Japan, Alaska and Antarctica.

Recently PRBO has begun a major focus on understanding and projecting the effects of climate change on ecosystems. PRBO is now administering grants to graduate students and post-doctoral researchers to study the biological impacts of [ climate change in California]

External links

* [ Point Reyes Bird Observatory]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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