

Infobox Weapon
name = Shahab-4

type = Strategic ICBM
range = unknown
filling = unknown
yield =
engine = Liquid
guidance =
cep =
speed =
length =
diameter =
weight =
payload_capacity =
manufacturer = Iran
unit_cost =
service =Shelved program
used_by =

The Shahab-4 (Persian: شهاب-۴, meaning "Meteor-4") liquid propelled missile is a programme [ [ Iran to Launch 2 More Research Rockets Before Placing Satellite into Orbit This Summer] ] for Iran's first missile to bring satellites into orbit. [ [ NIC Statements - The Iranian Ballistic Missile and WMD Threat to the United States Through 2015 ] ]

The "Shahab-4" called missile project may have resulted in the current Kavoshgar-1 Iranian space rocket. [ [ Iran Launches Rocket, Unveils Space Center] ]

See also

*Military of Iran
*Iran's missile forces
*Iranian military industry
*Current Equipment of the Iranian Army


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