

Pro-Test is a British group that promotes and supports animal testing in medical research. It was founded on January 29, 2006 to counter SPEAK, an animal-rights campaign opposing the construction by Oxford University of a biomedical and animal-research facility, [ [ University of Oxford News Release: High Court Ruling] (10 November 2004)] which SPEAK believes may include a primate-testing centre. [ [ SPEAK website: The New Primate Laboratory] (undated)] Pro-Test held its first rally on February 25, 2006, attracting hundreds in support of the research facility and opposed by a smaller number of anti-lab demonstrators. [ Marchers outnumber rights activists] ("The Scotsman", 24 February 2006)]

The group was founded by Laurie Pycroft from Swindon when he was 16. After forming the group, British newspapers described Pycroft as a "sixth form drop-out," "bedroom ," [,,1717620,00.html Bedroom blogger, 16, takes on animal rights protesters] ("The Guardian", 25 February 2006)] and "campaigning hero." [ [,,2087-2058853,00.html Focus: A campaigning hero] ("The Times", 26 February 2006)] It is now run by a committee of ten: academics (Tipu Aziz, John Stein, and David Priestman), five Oxford graduate and undergraduate students, medical writer Alison Eden, and Pycroft. [ "The Pro-Test Committee"] , Pro-Test website, retrieved Dec 11th, 2007]

Pro-Test says that it stands for "science, reasoned debate and, above all, the welfare of mankind. … We support only non-violent protest and we condemn those using violence or intimidation to further their goals. We strongly support animal testing as crucially necessary to further medical science." [ [ Pro-Test website] (undated)] "The Guardian" has written that it is a "new public interest cause," seeking to "defend animal-testing to advance medical science." [,,1700196,00.html In praise ofstudent protest] ("The Guardian", 2 February 2006)]


The construction site of the Oxford research centre is located on South Parks Road behind a five-metre (15 ft) barrier. Construction work is carried out by workmen wearing balaclavas and using unmarked vehicles, after the first contractor, Walter Lilly, owned by Montpellier plc, pulled out in the face of threats. [,,1716797,00.html?gusrc=rss Scientists to speak out for animal tests] ("The Guardian", 24 February 2006)] The facility is intended to become the "centre for all animal research at Oxford," according to Mark Matfield, former director of the Research Defence Society, [ [ Activists halt Oxford lab] ("The Scientist" 20 July 2004)] resulting in "the closure of a number of existing animal facilities". [ [ University of Oxford News Release: Biomedical research facility] (19 July 2004)]

The formation of Pro-Test coincided with threats made by the Animal Liberation Front, against Oxford staff and students, on the "Bite Back" website. [ [ Communiqué from ALF activists] (2 February 2006)] ALF spokesman, Robin Webb confirmed that "high-level student groups working against SPEAK protesters may be targeted." [ [ Students will be the next target] ("The Oxford Student", 12 March 2006)]

Pycroft describes in his blog, hosted at the LiveJournal website, how he set up Pro-Test after visiting his girlfriend in Oxford on January 28, 2006 and watching a SPEAK demonstration from the window of a coffee shop. [ [ Science: 1 Ignorance: 0] ("LiveJournal" entry, dated 28 January 2006)] [ [ Pro-Test website: Past Action] (undated)] Pycroft, his girlfriend, and one other, staged a personal counter-demonstration.

After writing about the experience on his blog, Pycroft has said he was receiving 300 hits an hour within days, [ [,,1700196,00.html In praise of ... student protest] ("The Guardian", 2 February 2006)] and after attracting interest from the media, Oxford students, and the pro-animal-testing movement, he decided to schedule a second demonstration to coincide with a SPEAK protest on February 25, 2006. According to "The Times", "Pro-Tests tactics mirror those of animal rights activists, with about 150 students using websites and chat forums to organise protests." [ [,,2-2019256,00.html Students fight back for animal research] ("The Times" 1 February 2006)]

February 2006 rally

According to the Daily Telegraph [ [;jsessionid=XUETSVKHA2ME1QFIQMGSFFOAVCBQWIV0?xml=/news/2006/02/26/nvivi26.xml] "Telegraph"] , over 800 students, academics and members of the public took part in the February 25, 2006 protest in the centre of Oxford which passed without violent incident, [ [ Police praise protestors after peaceful demonstrations - Oxford] (Thames Valley Police website, 25 February 2006)] marching at the same time as more than 150 SPEAK protestors [ [ Animal lab supporters go on march] (BBC News website, 25 February 2006)] demonstrated in various locations across the city.

A number of politicians and scientists addressed the Pro-Test demonstrators. These included Evan Harris, the Liberal Democrat science spokesperson and MP for Oxford West and Abingdon; the Radcliffe Hospital's neurosurgeon and Pro-Test committee member Professor Tipu Aziz, whose research into Parkinson's disease "involves the use of primates," and who recently spoke out in support of testing cosmetics on animals; [ [,,1723189,00.html "Scientist backs animal testing for cosmetics"] ("The Guardian", 4 March, 2006)] Simon Festing of the Research Defence Society, a lobby group funded by the pharmaceutical industry and universities; and Pro-Test committee member Professor John Stein, an Oxford neurophysiologist who "induces Parkinson's disease in monkeys and then attaches electrodes to their brains to test therapies which may help human sufferers," according to "The Guardian". In his speech to the crowd, Stein declared, "This is a historic day; we are drawing a line in the sand." [ [ "Oxford swamped by Protest demo"] , 4 News website, 25 February 2006.]

June 2006 rally

Supporters of Pro-Test marched through Oxford on Saturday, 3 June, 2006. Their route led them through Radcliffe Square, the High Street and ended nearby the laboratory in the University's science area. Speakers included Colin Blakemore (then chief executive of the Medical Research Council), Evan Harris MP and Alan Duncan MP (the Shadow Cabinet Trade and Industry Secretary). David Priestman, a researcher of genetic disorders in children at Oxford University, told the "Oxford Mail" his reasons for joining the rally: [Emma-Kate Lidbury. [ Pro-test rally gains support] , "Oxford Mail", 5 June, 2006] cquote|I have worked in animal research for nearly 30 years and at last I can speak out about what I do. I'm exceptionally proud of my work. What right have animal rights activists to say my work is not scientific?

February 2008 rally

Pro-Test held a third rally in Oxford on February 9, 2008. According to the BBC, around 200 people marched in protest at "fear and intimidation" from animal rights groups. [ Pro-animal testing group in rally] , "BBC News", 9 February, 2008] Towards the start of the event, a lone animal rights protestor started to shout in counter protest, but was escorted away by the police.

Speakers at the rally included Robin Lovell-Badge, a stem cell researcher at the National Institute for Medical Research, Evan Harris and Laurie Pycroft. Peter Hollins, chief executive of the British Heart Foundation and chair of the Coalition for Medical Progress, was also scheduled to attend but was unable to due to illness. [ [ Pro-Test Celebrates Science and Battles Extremism] , Pro-test website> February 11, 2008]

Other activities

An unnamed Oxford academic told the BBC that "a war is looming over 'scientific freedom' and the 'future of progress'," and suggests that the Pro-Test campaign is part of a wider reaction against animal-rights activism. [ [ The pro-test protesters] (BBC News website, 22 February 2006)]

Pro-Test have taken the case for animal research to Parliament, participating in a debate at The Associate Parliamentary Group for Animal Welfare (APGAW). The debate focused specifically upon whether the Oxford biomedical research lab should be built and involved both MPs and members of the public. The principal speakers were Iain Simpson, press officer for Pro-Test, and Dr. Jarrod Bailey of Europeans for Medical Progress. [ [ 'Dirty dozen' claims debunked in parliamentary debate] (Research Defence Society website, 15 March 2006)]

Pro-Test handed out doughnuts and cakes to workers on the South Parks Road site on March 31, 2006 to show their support for their work. [ [,,1744052,00.html Student group shows support for Oxford lab builders] ("The Guardian", 31 March 2006)]

Pro-Test fielded Pycroft for a debate at the Oxford Union on the motion "This house would not test on animals". Supporting the motion were Dr Gill Langley, Dr Andrew Knight, Uri Geller and Alistair Currie. On the opposing side were Pycroft, Professor Colin Blakemore, Professor John Stein and Professor Lord Robert Winston. The motion was defeated, 273 to 48 of the Union members voting with the opposing side.

A cross-college student referendum propositioned by Pro-Test was held on November 16 2006. It proposed support for the Oxford lab's construction and animal testing in general, and found support from approximately 90% of voters. []

On May 9, 2006, the BBC reported that Pro-Test had bought shares in GlaxoSmithKline (GSK), as a "gesture of solidarity" with the company and its investors. An animal rights group had earlier sent letters to individual shareholders threatening to reveal personal details unless their shares were sold. The letters explained GSK's investors were targeted because of the company's association with Huntingdon Life Sciences. Pro-Test announced that their share purchase was to demonstrate that "intimidation has no place in the UK". [ [ Glaxo wins injunction over threat] (BBC News website, 9 May 2006)]

British Prime Minister Tony Blair gave his support to Pro-Test and The People's Petition in an article for the "Sunday Telegraph", citing "the Pro-Test demonstration in Oxford, which... deserves support" as an example of the change in public attitudes in the UK. [] [] []

The BBC programme Newsnight hosted a vivisection debate on the 24 July, 2006. Tipu Aziz, John Stein and Iain Simpson of Pro-Test featured in the debate, as did members of SPEAK and Europeans for Medical Progress. [ [ Half 'against funding animal labs'] Newsnight, 24 July 2006)]

In Spring 2008, Pro-Test Spokesman, Tom Holder, set up Speaking of Research, a group based in the US with similar goals to that of Pro-Test [ [ Reuters - Speaking of Research: Students Stand up for Animal Testing] ]

See also

* The People's Petition
* Speaking of Research



* [ Pro-Test website]
* [ "The Pro-Test Committee"] , Pro-Test website, retrieved May 16, 2006
* [ Speaking of Research Website]
* [ SPEAK website]
* [ "Biomedical research facility"] , Oxford University's announcement, July 19, 2004
* [ "The New Primate Laboratory"] , SPEAK, undated, retrieved February 16, 2006
* [,,1700372,00.html "In praise of ... student protest"] "Guardian" leader, February 2, 2006
*Asthana, Anuska, Doward, Jamie, and Taylor, Diane [,,1718253,00.html "Death threat for teenage animal test supporter"] , "The Observer", February 26, 2005
*Boggan, Steve. [,,1722508,00.html "Experiments in protest"] , "The Guardian", March 3, 2006
*Booth, Robert. [,,1717620,00.html "Bedroom blogger, 16, takes on animal rights protesters"] , "The Guardian", February 25, 2006
*Foster, Patrick, and Woolcock, Nicola. [,,2-2019256,00.html "Students fight back for animal research"] , "The Times", February 1, 2006
*Jha, Alok & Lewis, Paul. [,,1723189,00.html "Scientist backs animal testing for cosmetics"] , "The Guardian", March 4, 2006
*Laville, Sandra & Booth, Robert. [,,1716797,00.html?gusrc=rss "Scientists to speak out for animal tests"] , "The Guardian", February 24, 2006
*Murray-West, Rosie. [ "Showdown in Oxford as students face opponents of animal tests"] , "The Daily Telegraph", February 21, 2006
*Philips, Grace. "Fight us and you'll lose, ALF". "The Sunday Times", February 5, 2006 (page 4/8)
*Shackle, Samira. [ "Oxford prepares for fresh wave of protest as building resumes on Parks Road lab"] , "Oxford Student", January 12, 2006

External links

* [ SPEAK personal attack on the founder of Pro-Test]
* [ Pro-Test founder's response]
* [ "Build the Oxford animal lab!"] Social Affairs Unit Web Review, February 20, 2006
* [ Monkeys, Rats and Me - Documentary covering the building of the Laboratory]

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