- Abdominal mass
An abdominal mass is any localized enlargement or swelling in the
human abdomen . Depending on its location, the abdominal mass may be caused by an enlargedliver (hepatomegaly ), enlargedspleen (splenomegaly ), protrudingkidney , apancreatic mass , aretroperitoneal mass (a mass in the posterior of theperitoneum ), anabdominal aortic aneurysm , or varioustumour s, such as those caused byabdominal carcinomatosis andomental metastasis . The treatments depend on the cause, and may range fromwatchful waiting to radicalsurgery .Features
Many abdominal masses are discovered incidentally during routine
physical examination . When they presentsymptom atically, abdominal masses are most frequently associated withpain or digestive problems. However, depending on the cause, masses may be associated with other signs and symptoms, such asjaundice orbowel obstruction .Diagnosis
The first steps in diagnosis are a
medical history and physical examination. Important clues during history includeweight loss ,diarrhea andabdominal pain .During physical examination, the clinician must identify the location of the mass, as well as characterize its location (usually specified in terms of
quadrant s). The mass should be assessed for whether it is rigid or mobile. It should also be characterized for pulse orperistalsis , as these would help in further identifying the mass.Routine
blood test s are usually the next step in diagnosis after a thorough medical history and physical examination. They should include afull blood count ,blood urea nitrogen (BUN),creatinine , andliver function tests such as albumin,international normalized ratio (INR),partial thromboplastin time (PTT),serum amylase and total bilirubin (TBIL). If late-stageliver disease is suspected, then a serum glucose may be appropriate.Common causes
Abdominal aortic aneurysm
*Bladder distention
*Cholecystitis (aninflammation of thegallbladder )
* Colon cancer
*Crohn's disease
*Bowel obstruction
* Gallbladder tumor
*Hydronephrosis (fluid-filled kidney)
*Kidney cancer (includingrenal cell carcinoma )
* Liver cancer
*Hepatomegaly (Liver enlargement)
*Ovarian cyst
*Pancreatic abscess
*Pancreatic pseudocyst
*Splenomegaly (Spleen enlargement)
*Stomach cancer
*Uterine leiomyoma (fibroids)
*Volvulus (twisted piece of thegastrointestinal tract )
*Ureteropelvic junction obstructionReferences
* [http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency MedlinePlus medical encyclopedia] : [http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/003274.htm Abdominal mass] - An informative primer on abdominal masses and their common causes.
* [http://gastroresource.com/GITextbook/en/Default.htm First Principles of Gastroenterology] : [http://gastroresource.com/GITextbook/En/chapter1/1-18.htm Abdominal Mass] - This chapter discusses the basic approach to abdominal masses.
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