

:"See other places named Kladno."Geobox|Settlement
name = Kladno
native_name =
other_name =
category = Town
etymology =
official_name =
motto =
nickname =

| image_caption = Kladno Town Hall

| flag_border = 1
symbol = Kladno znak mesta.jpg
country = Czech Republic | country_

state =
region = Central Bohemian | region_type = Region
district = Kladno | district_type = District
municipality =
landmark =
river =
location =
elevation = 384
lat_d = 50| lat_m = 9| lat_s = | lat_NS = N
long_d = 14| long_m = 6| long_s = | long_EW = E
coordinates_type =
highest =
highest_location =
highest_elevation =
highest_lat_d = | highest_lat_m = | highest_lat_s = | highest_lat_NS =
highest_long_d = | highest_long_m = | highest_long_s = | highest_long_EW =
highest_coordinates_type =
lowest =
lowest_location =
lowest_elevation =
lowest_lat_d = | lowest_lat_m = | lowest_lat_s = | lowest_lat_NS =
lowest_long_d = | lowest_long_m = | lowest_long_s = | lowest_long_EW =
lowest_coordinates_type =
length =
width =
area = 36.9 | area_round = 1
population = 70003 | population_as_of = 2004
population_density = auto
established = 14th century | established_type = First mentioned
established1 = | established1_type =
date =
mayor = Dan Jiránek
timezone = | utc_offset =
timezone_DST = | utc_offset_DST =
postal_code = 272 01
area_code =
code =
free =

map_background = Czechia - background map.png map_caption = Location in the Czech Republic
map_locator = Czechia
map1 =
map1_background =
map1_caption =
map1_locator =
website = [http://www.mestokladno.cz/e_index.asp www.mestokladno.cz]
commons = Kladno
footnotes =

Kladno (IPA2|ˈkladno) is a city in the Central Bohemian Region (Středočeský kraj) of the Czech Republic. It is located 25 km northwest of Prague. Kladno is the largest city of the region and holds a population together with its adjacent suburban areas of more than 110,000 people.


The first written evidence of Kladno dates back to the 14th century. In 1561 the city rights were secured. Kladno was the historical birthplace of heavy industry in Bohemia. For years, the town was home to the Poldi steel factory, the region's largest employer. The factory still stands but has been divided into smaller entities after privatisation and changes in ownership. The mining industry began here in 1842. The proximity to Prague helped to keep the local economy stable in spite of the heavy industrial decline after the collapse of the communist regime.

Notable natives

* Anton Čermák, mayor of Chicago, Illinois from 1931-1933, was born here (as "Antonín Čermák") in 1873.
* Petr Pithart, former Prime Minister of the Czech Republic was born here in 1941.
* Jaromír Jágr, international ice hockey star player and former New York Rangers captain was born here in 1972.
* Michal Pivoňka, former ice hockey player for the Washington Capitals. Twice led his team in scoring (1991-92, 1995-96).
* Tomáš Plekanec, ice hockey player for the Montreal Canadiens.
* Ondřej Pavelec, ice hockey goal keeper for the Atlanta Thrashers
* Jiří Tlustý, ice hockey player for the Toronto Maple Leafs.

Twin towns

* Vitry-sur-Seine, France
* Bellevue, United States


* On Prison Break, Nika Volek, played by Holly Valance has family in Kladno.
* One of the main LEGO production facilities is located here. [cite web |publisher= LEGO.com |url= http://www.lego.com/eng/info/default.asp?page=pressdetail&contentid=2470&countrycode=2057&yearcode=2003&archive=true |title=Expansion in Kladno on schedule | accessdate=12 May | accessyear=2007]


External links

* [http://www.mestokladno.cz/e_index.asp Official Website]

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