- Leap year starting on Tuesday
This is the
calendar for anyleap year starting onTuesday (dominical letter FE), such as2008 .Millennium Century Year 2nd Millennium: 19th century :1828 1856 1884 2nd Millennium: 20th century :1924 1952 1980 3rd Millennium: 21st century :2008 2036 2064 2092 3rd Millennium: 22nd century :2104 2132 2160 2188 Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.
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Common year starting on Tuesday — This is the calendar for any common year starting on Tuesday, January 1 (dominical letter F). Examples: Gregorian years 1985, 1991, 2002, 2013 and 2019[1] or Julian year 1919 (see bottom tables) … Wikipedia
Old Style common year starting on Tuesday — This is the calendar for any Old Style common year starting on Tuesday, March 25. The Old Style calendar ended the following March, on March 24. Examples: Julian year 1802, 1813 or 1903 (see bottom tables). A common year is a year with 365 days,… … Wikipedia
Common year starting on Sunday — This is the calendar for any common year starting on Sunday, January 1 (dominical letter A) or for any year in which “Doomsday” is Tuesday. Examples: Gregorian years 1989, 1995, 2006, 2017 and 2023[1] or Julian year 1917. (See tables at bottom.)… … Wikipedia
Common year starting on Friday — This is the calendar for any common year starting on Friday, January 1 (dominical letter C). Examples: Gregorian years 1993, 1999, 2010 and 2021[1] or Julian years 1910 and 1899 (see bottom tables). A common year is a year with 365 days, i.e.,… … Wikipedia
Common year starting on Monday — This is the calendar for any common year starting on Monday, January 1 (dominical letter G). Examples: Gregorian year 1990, 2001, 2007 and 2018[1] or Julian year 1918 (see bottom tables). A common year is a year with 365 days, in other words, not … Wikipedia
Common year starting on Wednesday — This is the calendar for any common year starting on Wednesday, January 1 (dominical letter E). Examples: Gregorian years 1986, 1997, 2003, 2014 and 2025[1] or Julian year 1903 (see bottom tables). A common year is a year with 365 days, in other… … Wikipedia
Common year starting on Thursday — This is the calendar for any common year starting on Thursday, January 1 (dominical letter D). Examples: Gregorian years 1987, 1998, 2009, 2015 and 2026[1] or Julian year 1915 (see bottom tables). This is the only common year with three… … Wikipedia
Common year starting on Saturday — This is the calendar for any common year starting on Saturday, January 1 (dominical letter B). Examples: Gregorian years 1994, 2005, 2011 and 2022[1] or Julian years 1905 and 1911 (see bottom tables). The question mark for the ISO week before… … Wikipedia
Old Style common year starting on Friday — This is the calendar for any Old Style common year starting on Friday, 25 March. The Old Style calendar ended the following March, on 24 March. Examples: Julian year 1401, 1513 or 1614 (see bottom tables). A common year is a year with 365 days,… … Wikipedia
Old Style common year starting on Monday — This is the calendar for any Old Style common year starting on Monday, 25 March. The Old Style calendar ended the following March, on 24 March. Examples: Julian year 1801, 1807 or 1902 (see bottom tables). A common year is a year with 365 days,… … Wikipedia