International Bible Students Association
- International Bible Students Association
The legal title International Bible Students Association is a corporation used by Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania.
International Bible Students Association is also the present legal name of the charity used by Jehovah's Witnesses in Britain today. It was founded in 1914 by Pastor Russell in London, England, and was the first legal corporation representing Pastor Russell's ministry in Europe (Two previous such organizations, the Watch Tower Bible & Tract Society, and the People's Pulpit Association, had already existed in the USA).
Followers of the Watchtower movement worldwide had been known as International Bible Students until 1931, after which they became known as Jehovah's Witnesses. Publications such as "The Harp of God" (1921,1926) and "Jehovah" (1934), were authored by the then president of the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society, Judge Joseph Franklin Rutherford, published by the I.B.S.A, Brooklyn, NY, USA and copyright by Peoples Pulpit Association, Brooklyn, NY, USA.
Although there is today still a small following (Called Russelites)from the great schism following Pastor Russell's death in 1916 (where 35% had left the WTBS by 1928), present day members (Over 6 million)of the Jehovah's Witnesses (Watch Tower Organization) consider themselves disassociated with these groups.
ee also
* Bible Student movement
* History of Jehovah's Witnesses
External links
* [ History of the Bible Student Movement]
* [ History of the Bible Students Movement from]
* [ Jehovah's Witnesses]
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