

Hubert may refer to:
* The European family name Hubert and first name.
** As a family name it is explained as an abbreviation of Hubertz (Yiddish and Sorbian form of Huberowitz) meaning "Houber's son" or "(son) of Heber" or simply Heberite.
** As a first name it is most commonly explained from Teutonic combining the elements Mind (Hu) + Bright (Bert).
* Saint Hubert, first bishop of Liège, Belgium, was the "Apostle to the Ardennes;"
* the French cheesemaking company Hubert.
* Some communes in France start with Hubert (pro; IPA|yˈbɛʀ), such as the Hubert-Folie
* Hubert, North Carolina

The name also occurs in the following variations:Infobox Given Name Revised
name = Hubert

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*Hubertas (Lithuania, s. Hubertas Grušnys)
*Huppertz (Germany, The Netherlands, Belgium, USA),
*Huppert (France)

The Hubbard family name is also sometimes said to be derived from Hubert but Hubert dates to the Norman conquest and Hubbard probably comes from the much earlier conqueror Hubba the Dane. In fact, the book "One Thousand Years of Hubbard History" published in 1895 by Edward Day claims Hubert was a spelling variation of Hubbard, not the other way around.

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