George Thomas

George Thomas

George Thomas may refer to:

*George Thomas, 1st Viscount Tonypandy (19091997), British Labour Party politician, Speaker of the House of Commons
*George Thomas (baseball) (born 1937), American baseball player
*George Tomas (valet), valet to U.S. President John F. Kennedy
*George Alan Thomas (1881–1972), British chess and badminton player
*George Henry Thomas (1816–1870), American Civil War general
*George W. Thomas (1885–1930s), American blues and jazz pianist and songwriter
*Sir George Thomas (1695–1774), Lieutenant Governor of Pennsylvania
*George Thomas (soldier), an Irish mercenary, active in 18th century India, also known as the "Irish Raja"
*George Housman Thomas (1824–1868), Victorian artist and illustrator
*George B. Thomas (1914-2006), Mathematician
*George M. Thomas (1828–1914), U.S. Representative from Kentucky
*George Leo Thomas (b. 1950), American Roman Catholic prelate
*George Thomas, 1st Baronet (d. 1774), Governor of the Leeward Islands 1753-1766
*George Thomas, 3rd Baronet (c. 1740-1815), British MP for Arundel

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