

Infobox Asturian municipality

capital =Salas
population =6,310
year =2005
population rank =
population percentage =0.58
density =28.17
area =224
highest point = El Aguión, 923
parishes =28
party =PSOE
mayor =José Manuel Menéndez Fernádez
website =

Salas (also known as San Martin de Salas) [cite web
title= Official site of the municipality of Salas (Spanish)
] is a town and "concejo" (municipality) in the Principality of Asturias. It lies on the road from San Sebastián to Santiago de Compostela, and on a small subtributary of the river Narcea. It is bordered on the north by Valdés, Cudillero and Pravia, to south by Belmonte de Miranda, to the east by Pravia, Candamo and Grado, and to the west by Tineo and Valdés.

Salas is a mountainous region in which coal-mining and agriculture are the principal industries. The products of this region are sent for export to Cudillero, a small harbour on the Bay of Biscay.

There are several buildings of importance is salas, the "Palacio de Valdés" and "Castillo de Salas" among others.

"Parroquías" (parishes)


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