Castillo de Salas (castle)

Castillo de Salas (castle)

The Castillo de Salas (literally castle of Salas) first appeared in documentation in 1124. It is situated in the town of Salas in the region of Asturias, northern Spain.


The castle is linked to the palace of Valdés Salas, which is currently a small hotel, [cite web
url =
title = Review of the hotel Castillo de Valdes-Salas (English)
] through a bridge. The castle is a large square tower with four floors: The cellar, where the dungeons can be found, and three floors with a barrel vault. The floors are connected by a narrow spiral staircase and the roof is surrounded by battlements with a conical cylinders at each of the four corners. There are only three windows; the rest are arrow slits purely for defensive purposes. Similarly the machicolation on the second floor, over the main gate, which was accessible over moat. [cite web
title= Local Government tourist office information (English)
] [cite web
title= Website of current owners of the palace & castle (Spanish)

Current contents

Inside the tower there is a museum on Pre-Romanesque art that is a valuable collection of pieces and tombstones from the church of San Martín, hence the name [| "Museo Prerrománico de San Martín de Salas"] . The pieces provide an insight into the decorative richness of Pre-Romanesque art during 10th century in Spain. [cite web
title= Description of the tower(Spanish)


Multimedia Links

* [| Pictures of the Castle]

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