American Journal of Sociology

American Journal of Sociology

Infobox Journal

discipline = Sociology
abbreviated_title = noeffect
abbreviation = AJS
publisher = University of Chicago Press
country = US
publication_history = noeffect
history = 1895-present
frequency = Bimonthly
website =
ISSN = 0002-9602

Established in 1895, the "American Journal of Sociology" (AJS) is the oldest scholarly journal of sociology in the United States. It is published bimonthly by The University of Chicago Press.

AJS is edited by Andrew Abbott of the University of Chicago. The journal presents work on the theory, methods, practice, and history of sociology. AJS also publishes sociology-related papers by scholars from outside sociology, speaking to sociologists, social scientists, and the general sociological reader.

Academic journals are sometimes evaluated by their Impact Factor, a statistic which corresponds to the frequency a journal's articles are cited in other journals. The impact factor advantages review articles, so when review journals are excluded, The American Journal of Sociology is, by this measure, the second ranked journal in the discipline. [ Sociology Journals Impact as measured by InCites]

Editorial Board


*Andrew Abbott

Associate Editors

*Stefan Bargheer
*James A. Davis
*James Evans
*Daniel Menchik
*Steven Raudenbush

Associate Editor, Book Review

*Andreas Glaeser

Book Review Editorial Board

*Kim Austin
*Michael Bare
*Paola Castano
*Daniel Huebner

Managing Editor

*Susan Allan

Copy Editor

*Rachel Kamins

Editorial Assistant

*Agnes Littmann

Consulting Editors

* Arthur Alderson, Indiana University
* Peter Bearman, Columbia University
* David Grazian, University of Pennsylvania
* Ted Gerber, University of Wisconsin-Madison
* Emily Hannum, University of Pennsylvania
* Erin Kelly, University of Minnesota
* Lauren Krivo, Ohio State University
* Noah Mark, Duke University
* Ann Mische, Rutgers University
* Nicholas Pedriana, Louisiana State University
* Becky Pettit, University of Washington
* Mikolaj Piskorski, Harvard University
* Michael Rosenfeld, Stanford University
* Robin Simon, Florida State University
* Sandra Smith, University of California, Berkeley
* Charlotta Stern, University of Stockholm
* Shane Thye, University of South Carolina

:ISSN: 00029602:OCLC: 42017129:LCCN: sn99-23420


External links

* [ Biography of Andrew Abbott]
* [ "American Journal of Sociology" homepage]
* [ JSTOR page]

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