- Journal pagination
Journal pagination refers to the manner in which
academic journals assign page numbers to their publications. Academic journals usually organize their published articles into volumes (often by year) and issues (anywhere from 2 - 24 per year). When a journal restarts page numbering with each issue they are said to paginate by issue; when page numbering restarts after each volume they are said to paginate by volume.Certain publication styles (such as
APA style andMLA style ) require different formats for journals that are paginated by volume and by issue. For this reason it is important to be aware of the pagination of a given journal.Below is an alphabetical list of academic journals and their pagination.
*Academy of Management Review ("by volume")
*Action in Teacher Education ("by issue")
*American Educational Research Journal ("by volume")
*American Educator ("by issue")
*American Journal of Education ("by volume")
*American Journal of Physics ("by volume")
*American Journal of Political Science ("by volume")
*American Mathematical Monthly ("by volume")
*American Political Science Review ("by volume")
*American Psychologist ("by volume")
*American Scientist ("by volume")
*American Speech ("by volume")
*Annals of Behavioral Medicine ("by volume")
*Anthropology and Education Quarterly ("by volume")
*Applied Linguistics ("by volume")
*Applied Measurement in Education ("by volume")
*Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback ("by volume")
*Arithmetic Teacher ("by issue")
*Artificial Intelligence ("by volume")
*Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education ("by volume")
*Australasian Journal of Special Education ("by issue")B
*Behavior Modification ("by volume")
*Behavioral and Brain Sciences ("by volume")
*Behaviour & Information Technology ("by volume")
*Biological Psychology ("by volume")
*Biometrika ("by volume")
*Blood ("by volume")
*British Journal of Educational Psychology ("by volume")C
*Canadian Journal of Education ("by volume")
*Canadian Journal of Psychology ("by volume")
*Child Development ("by volume")
*Cognition ("by volume")
*Cognition and Emotion ("by volume")
*Cognition and Instruction ("by volume")
*Cognitive Psychology ("by volume")
*Cognitive Science ("by volume")
*Communications in Pure and Applied Mathematics ("by volume")
*Culture, Medicine and Psychiatry ("by volume")
*Cybernetics and Human Knowing ("by issue")
*Cyberpsychology & Behavior ("by volume")D
*Depression and Anxiety ("by volume")
*Developmental Psychology ("by volume")
*Developmental Review ("by volume")
*Discourse Processes ("by volume")E
*Economics of Education Review ("by volume")
*Educational and Psychological Measurement ("by volume")
*Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis ("by volume")
*Educational Leadership ("by issue")
*Educational Media International ("by volume")
*Educational Policy ("by volume")
*Educational Psychologist ("by volume")
*Educational Psychology Review ("by volume")
*Educational Research and Evaluation ("by volume")
*Educational Researcher ("by volume")
*Educational Studies in Mathematics ("by volume")
*Elementary School Journal ("by volume")
*Equity & Excellence in Education ("by volume")
*Ergonomics ("by volume")
*European Heart Journal ("by volume")
*European Journal of Applied Physiology ("by volume")
*European Journal of Psychology of Education ("by volume")
*European Journal of Science Education ("by volume")
*Exceptional Children ("by volume")F
*Focus on Learning Problems in Mathematics ("by issue")
*For the Learning of Mathematics ("by issue")G
*Gender and Education ("by volume")
*Harvard Educational Review ("by volume")
*High School Journal, The ("by issue")
*Human Factors ("by volume")I
*Interchange ("by volume")
*International Journal of Behavioral Development ("by volume")
*International Journal of Educational Reform ("by volume")
*International Journal of Human-Computer Studies ("by volume")
*International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics ("by volume")
*International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology ("by volume")
*International Journal of Psychophysiology ("by volume")
*International Journal of Science Education ("by volume")
*International Reviews on Mathematical Education ("by volume")J
*Journal for Research in Mathematics Education ("by volume")
*Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour ("by volume")
*Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, The ("by volume")
*Journal of African American Men ("by issue")
*Journal of American Indian Education ("by issue")
*Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis ("by volume")
*Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology ("by volume")
*Journal of Black Studies ("by volume")
*Journal of Broadcasting and Electronic Media ("by volume")
*Journal of Children's Mathematical Behavior ("by volume")
*Journal of Clinical and Basic Cardiology ("by volume")
*Journal of Cognition and Development ("by volume")
*Journal of Computers in Mathematics and Science Teaching ("by issue")
*Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics ("by volume")
*Journal of Educational Computing Research ("by volume")
*Journal of Educational Psychology ("by volume")
*Journal of Educational Research ("by volume")
*Journal of Experimental Child Psychology ("by volume")
*Journal of Experimental Psychology ("by volume")
*Journal of Genetic Psychology ("by volume")
*Journal of Learning Disabilities ("by volume")
*Journal of Mathematical Behavior ("by volume")
*Journal of Mathematical Sociology ("by volume")
*Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education ("by volume")
*Journal of Negro Education ("by volume")
*Journal of Personality and Social Psychology ("by volume")
*Journal of Philosophy ("by volume")
*Journal of Pragmatics ("by volume")
*Journal of Professional Issues in Engineering Education and Practice ("by volume")
*Journal of Psychophysiology ("by volume")
*Journal of Psychosomatic Research ("by volume")
*Journal of Research and Development in Education ("by issue")
*Journal of Research in Science Teaching ("by volume")
*Journal of Special Education ("by volume")
*Journal of Structural Learning ("by issue")
*Journal of Teacher Education ("by volume")
*Journal of Teaching in Physical Education ("by volume")
*Journal of the Association for Persons with Severe Handicaps ("by volume")
*Journal of the Learning Sciences ("by volume")K
*Learning and Individual Differences ("by volume")
*Learning and Instruction ("by volume")
*Learning Disabilities Research and Practice ("by volume")
*Learning Disability Quarterly ("by volume")M
*Mathematical Cognition ("by volume")
*Mathematical Thinking and Learning ("by volume")
*Mathematics and Computer Education ("by volume")
*Mathematics Education Research Journal ("by issue")
*Mathematics Educator ("by issue")
*Mathematics Magazine ("by volume")
*Mathematics Teacher ("by volume")
*Mathematics Teaching ("by issue")
*Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School ("by volume")
*Measurement: Interdisciplinary Research and Perspectives ("by volume")
*Memory and Cognition ("by volume")
*Mind, Culture, and Activity ("by volume")
*Motivation and Emotion ("by volume")
*Multicultural Education ("by issue")N
*Nature ("by volume")
*New England Journal of Medicine ("by volume")
*Nordic Studies in Mathematics Education ("by volume")
*Notices of the American Mathematical Society ("by volume")O
*Oxford Review of Education ("by volume")
*Pacific Sociological Review ("by volume")
*Peabody Journal of Education ("by issue")
*Phenomenology and pedagogy ("by volume")
*Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences ("by volume")
*Phi Delta Kappan ("by volume")
*Philosophica ("by issue")
*Psychological Bulletin ("by volume")
*Psychological Review ("by volume")
*Psychological Science ("by volume")
*Psychophysiology ("by volume")
*Psychosomatic Medicine ("by volume")Q
*Recherches en Didactique des Mathematiques ("by volume")
*Remedial and Special Education ("by volume")
*Research in Mathematics Education ("by volume")
*Research in Middle Level Education Quarterly ("by issue")
*Review of Educational Research ("by volume")
*Review of General Psychology ("by volume")
*Review of Research in Education ("by volume")*School Administrator, The ("by issue")
*School Psychology Review ("by volume")
*School Science and Mathematics ("by volume")
*Science and Education ("by volume")
*Semiotica ("by volume")
*Social Research ("by volume")
*Sociological Review, The ("by volume")
*South Pacific Journal of Teacher Education, The ("by issue")T
*Teacher Education Quarterly ("by issue")
*Teachers College Record ("by volume")
*Teaching and Teacher Education ("by volume")
*Teaching Exceptional Children ("by issue")
*Teaching Children Mathematics ("by volume")
*Theory Into Practice ("by volume")
*Trends in Cognitive Sciences ("by volume")U
*Urban Education ("by volume")
*Urban Review ("by volume")V
*Waikato Journal of Education ("by volume")
*Zentralblatt fur Didaktik der Mathmatik ("by volume")
External links
Academic journals Academic publishing
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