- Bialgebra
mathematics , a bialgebra over a field "K" is a structure which is both aunital associative algebra and acoalgebra over "K", such that these structures are compatible.Compatibility means that the comultiplication and the counit are both unital algebra homomorphisms, or equivalently, that the multiplication and the unit of the algebra both be coalgebra morphisms: these statements are equivalent in that they are expressed by "the same diagrams".
As reflected in the symmetry of the diagrams, the definition of bialgebra is self-dual, so if one can define a dual of "B" (which is always possible if "B" is finite-dimensional), then it is automatically a bialgebra.
The compatibility conditions can be expressed by the following
commutative diagram s, which can be read either as "comultiplication is a map of algebras" or "multiplication is a map of coalgebras" (similarly for the others):Multiplication and comultiplication::
Multiplication and counit::
Comultiplication and unit::
Unit and counit::
Here ablacolon B otimes B o B is the algebra multiplication and etacolon K o B, is the unit of the algebra. Deltacolon B o B otimes B is the comultiplication and varepsiloncolon B o K, is the counit. aucolon B otimes B o B otimes B is the
linear map defined by au(x otimes y) = yotimes x for all "x" and "y" in "B".Formulas
In formulas, the bialgebra compatibility conditions look as follows (using the sumless
Sweedler notation ):Multiplication and comultiplication::ab)_{(1)}otimes (ab)_{(2)} = a_{(1)}b_{(1)} otimes a_{(2)}b_{(2)},
Multiplication and counit::varepsilon(ab)=varepsilon(a)varepsilon(b);
Comultiplication and unit::1_{(1)}otimes 1_{(2)} = 1 otimes 1 ,
Unit and counit::varepsilon(1)=1.;
Here we suppressed the algebra notation: we wrote the algebra multiplication abla as simple juxtaposition, and the unit eta via the multiplicative identity 1.
Examples of bialgebras include the
Hopf algebra s and theLie bialgebra s, which are bialgebras with certain additional structure. Additional examples are given in the article oncoalgebra s.=See also=
*Hopf algebra
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