List of Sigma Nu chapters

List of Sigma Nu chapters

"This article lists the chapters of Sigma Nu fraternity. They are listed by school name, along with the chapter's Greek-letter designation and the year in which it was first chartered."

"Note that for Sigma Nu chapters, the Greek letter order does not necessarily indicate the order in which the chapters were founded; for example, both Mu and Theta chapters are older than Delta chapter. Some chapters listed (including Virginia Military Institute's Alpha) are no longer active in the fraternity."
* "School - Chapter Name - Charter Year"
**Albion College - Γ Γ (Gamma Gamma) - 1895
**Appalachian State University - Κ Ε (Kappa Epsilon) - 1983
**Arizona State University - Ζ Υ (Zeta Upsilon) - 1955
**Armstrong State College - Θ Ψ (Theta Psi) - 1973
**Ashland University - Η Ψ (Eta Psi) - 1967
**Auburn University - Β Θ (Beta Theta) - 1890
**Austin Peay State University - Κ Μ (Kappa Mu) - 1984
**Ball State University - Θ Ν (Theta Nu [] ) - 1971
**Baylor University - Μ Α (Mu Alpha) - 1991
**Bethany College - Ε (Epsilon) - 1883
**Bethel College - Ο (Omicron) - 1884
**Birmingham-Southern College - Λ Θ (Lambda Theta) - 1987
**Bowdoin College - Δ Ψ (Delta Psi) - 1918
**Bowling Green State University - Ε Χ (Epsilon Chi) - 1946
**Bradley University - Ζ Φ (Zeta Phi) - 1955
**Brown University - Δ Λ (Delta Lambda) - 1912
**Butler University - Ε Μ (Epsilon Mu [] ) - 1926 (2004-2007 Pursuit of Excellence Winner; 2007 LEAD Chapter of the Year)
**California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo - Κ Π (Kappa Pi) - 1985
**California State Polytechnic University, Pomona - Κ Γ (Kappa Gamma) - 1982
**California State University, Chico - Ι Κ (Iota Kappa) - 1974
**California State University, Fresno - Ζ Κ (Zeta Kappa) - 1951
**California State University, Fullerton - Λ Υ (Lambda Upsilon) - 1989
**California State University, Los Angeles - Η Φ (Eta Phi) - 1966
**California State University, Northridge - Ι Υ (Iota Upsilon) - 1978
**California State University, San Bernardino - Λ Χ (Lambda Chi) - 1991
**Carnegie Mellon University - Δ Σ (Delta Sigma) - 1916
**Case Western Reserve - Δ Α (Delta Alpha) - 1907 (originally at Case Institute; merged with Δ Z when Case and Western Reserve merged)
**Central Methodist College - Β Λ (Beta Lambda) - 1892
**Central College - Ζ (Zeta) - 1883
**Central Missouri State University - Κ Ν (Kappa Nu) - 1984, revoked 2007 [cite web
date=January 11 2007
**Clemson University - Θ Ζ (Theta Zeta) - 1970
**Coastal Carolina University - Μ Ε (Mu Epsilon) - 1992
**Coe College - Β Ε (Beta Epsilon) - 1891
**Colgate University - Δ Υ (Delta Upsilon) - 1917
**College of Charleston - Ι Ρ (Iota Rho) - 1976
**College of William and Mary - Ε Ι (Epsilon Iota) - 1922
**Colorado School of Mines - Γ Η (Gamma Eta) - 1901
**Colorado State University - Δ Ρ (Delta Rho) - 1915
**Columbia University - Δ Γ (Delta Gamma) - 1908
**Columbus State University - Μ Ξ (Mu Xi) - 1996
**Cornell College - Χ (Chi) - 1888
**Cornell University - Γ Θ (Gamma Theta) - 1901
**Creighton University - Ι Τ (Iota Tau) - 1977
**Dartmouth College - Δ Β (Delta Beta) - 1907-1961, 1985
**Davidson College - Η Α (Eta Alpha) - 1958
**DePauw University - Β Β (Beta Beta) - 1890
**Drake University - Β Δ (Beta Delta) - 1891
**Drury University - Ε Β (Epsilon Beta) - 1919
**Duke University - Γ (Gamma) - 1871
**Duquesne University - Κ Δ (Kappa Delta) - 1982 []
**East Carolina University - Η Β (Eta Beta) - 1959
**East Tennessee State University - Θ Χ (Theta Chi) - 1973
**Eastern Illinois University - Λ Γ (Lambda Gamma) - 1986
**Eastern Kentucky University - Θ Θ (Theta Theta) - 1970
**Eastern Michigan University - Λ Π (Lambda Pi) - 1989
**Eastern New Mexico University - Η Σ (Eta Sigma) - 1966
**Eastern Washington University - Θ Λ (Theta Lambda) - 1970
**Emory University - Ξ (Xi) - 1884
**Florida State University - Ζ Ζ (Zeta Zeta) - 1950
**Furman University - Κ Χ (Kappa Chi) - 1986
**George Mason University - Λ Β (Lambda Beta) - 1986
**George Washington University - Δ Π (Delta Pi) - 1915
**Georgia Southern University - Θ Κ (Theta Kappa) - 1970
**Georgia State University - Η Γ (Eta Gamma) - 1959
**Georgia Tech - Γ Α (Gamma Alpha) - 1896
**Gettysburg College - Ζ Σ (Zeta Sigma) - 1954
**Hampden-Sydney College - Η Π (Eta Pi) - 1965
**Idaho State University - Η Η (Eta Eta) - 1961
**Illinois State University - Θ Ρ (Theta Rho) - 1972
**Indiana State University - Ι Ψ (Iota Psi) - 1982
**Indiana University - Β Η (Beta Eta) - 1892
**Indiana University of Pennsylvania - Ι Α (Iota Alpha) - 1974
**Iowa State University - Γ Σ (Gamma Sigma) - 1904
**Jacksonville State University - Ι Λ (Iota Lambda) - 1975
**Jacksonville University - Κ Θ (Kappa Theta) - 1984
**James Madison University - Ι Δ (Iota Delta) - 1974
**Johns Hopkins University - Θ Ε (Theta Epsilon) - 1969
**Kansas State University - Β Κ (Beta Kappa) - 1892
**Kent State University - Ζ Γ (Zeta Gamma) - 1949
**Kentucky Wesleyan College - Η Ε (Eta Epsilon) - 1960
**Kettering University - Η Μ A (Eta Mu A) - 1963
**Kettering University - Η Μ B (Eta Mu B) - 1963
**Knox College (Illinois) - Δ Θ (Delta Theta) - 1891 (originally founded at Lombard College, which closed in 1930)
**Lafayette College - Γ Ε (Gamma Epsilon) - 1900
**Lamar University - Ζ Ψ (Zeta Psi) - 1957
**Lander University - Θ Φ (Theta Phi) - 1973
**Lehigh University - Π (Pi) - 1885 (closed by the university during the 2000-2001 school year due to hazing) [cite web|url=|title=Changes in the System in the Past Decade: Permanent Closings|work=Lehigh University - Greek Life|publisher=Lehigh University|accessdate=2007-04-22]
**Longwood University - Μ Φ (Mu Phi) - 2003
**Louisiana State University in Shreveport - Colony; no chapter designation yet
**Louisiana State University - Φ (Phi) - 1887
**Louisiana Tech University - Η Ζ (Eta Zeta) - 1961
**Lynchburg College - Μ Χ (Mu Chi) - 2003
**Marshall University - Κ Ο (Kappa Omicron) - 1985
**Massachusetts Institute of Technology Ε Θ (Epsilon Theta) - 1922 (Split from Sigma Nu, 1974)
**McKendree University - Μ Σ (Mu Sigma) - 1999
**Mercer University - Η (Eta) - 1884
**Miami University - Ε Ν (Epsilon Nu) - 1927
**Michigan State University - Ε Ρ (Epsilon Rho) - 1934
**Middle Tennessee State University - Θ Ι (Theta Iota) - 1970 (Charter Revoked in 2006)
**Midwestern State University - Η Υ (Eta Upsilon) - 1966
**Minnesota State University, Mankato - Λ Δ (Lambda Delta) - 1986
**Mississippi State University - Ι Γ (Iota Gamma) - 1974
**Missouri Southern State University - Ι Ε (Iota Epsilon) - 1974
**Missouri University of Science and Technology - Γ Ξ (Gamma Xi) - 1903 (LEAD Chapter of the Year 2005)
**Missouri Valley College - Β Γ (Beta Gamma) - 1891
**Montana State University - Ζ Ν (Zeta Nu) - 1952
**Morehead State University - Θ Τ (Theta Tau) - 1973
**Mount Union College - Β Ι (Beta Iota) - 1892
**Murray State University - Θ Δ (Theta Delta) - 1969
**New Mexico State University - Θ Υ (Theta Upsilon) - 1973
**Nicholls State University - Λ Λ (Lambda Lambda) - 1987
**North Carolina State University - Β Τ (Beta Tau) - 1895
**North Dakota State University - Η Θ (Eta Theta) - 1962
**North Georgia College - Κ (Kappa) - 1881
**Northeast Louisiana University - Κ Ψ (Kappa Psi) - 1986
**Northern Arizona University - Η Ι (Eta Iota) - 1962
**Northern Illinois University - Θ Η (Theta Eta) - 1970
**Northwestern State University - Μ Ρ (Mu Rho) - 1997
**Northwestern University - Γ Β (Gamma Beta) - 1898 [now inactive]
**Norwich University - Ζ Ε (Zeta Epsilon) - 1949
**Ohio State University - Β Ν (Beta Nu) - 1891
**Ohio University - Ζ Μ (Zeta Mu) - 1951
**Oklahoma State University - Ε Ε (Epsilon Epsilon) - 1920
**Old Dominion University - Η Χ (Eta Chi) - 1967
**Oregon State University - Δ Τ (Delta Tau) - 1917
**Pennsylvania State University - Δ Δ (Delta Delta) - 1909
**Pepperdine University - Μ Ο (Mu Omicron) - 1996
**Philadelphia University - Μ Π (Mu Pi) - 1996
**Presbyterian College - Ζ Θ (Zeta Theta) - 1951
**Purdue University - Β Ζ (Beta Zeta) - 1891
**Radford University - Κ Κ (Kappa Kappa) - 1984
**Rhodes College - Ε Σ (Epsilon Sigma) - 1934
**Ripon College - Ζ Τ (Zeta Tau) - 1954
**Rochester Institute of Technology - Μ Ζ (Mu Zeta) - 1992
**Rollins College - Ε Τ (Epsilon Tau) - 1938
**Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology - Β Υ (Beta Upsilon) - 1895
**Salisbury University - Ι Ξ (Iota Xi) - 1976
**Sam Houston State University - Μ Μ (Mu Mu) - 1996
**Samford University - Ι (Iota) - 1879
**San Diego State University - Η Κ (Eta Kappa) - 1963
**San Jose State University - Ζ Ι (Zeta Iota) - 1951
**Seton Hall University - Λ Ρ (Lambda Rho) - 1989
**Slippery Rock University - Λ Τ (Lambda Tau) - 1989
**Southeast Missouri State University - Μ Κ (Mu Kappa) - 1995
**Southern Illinois University - Μ Λ (Mu Lambda) - 1995
**Southern Methodist University - Ι Θ (Iota Theta) - 1974
**Southern Polytechnic State University - Ι Π (Iota Pi) - 1976
**Southern Utah University - Λ Ι (Lambda Iota) - 1987
**Southwest Missouri State University - Θ Σ (Theta Sigma) - 1972
**Stanford University - Β Χ (Beta Chi) - 1891
**State University of West Georgia - Θ Π (Theta Pi) - 1972
**Stephen F. Austin State University - Μ Υ (Mu Upsilon) - 2003
**Stetson University - Δ Μ (Delta Mu) - 1913
**Stevens Institute of Technology - Γ Δ (Gamma Delta) - 1900
**SUNY Albany - Λ Κ (Lambda Kappa) - 1987
**SUNY Binghamton - Κ Τ (Kappa Tau) - 1985
**SUNY Buffalo - Λ Σ (Lambda Sigma) - 1989
**SUNY Geneseo - Λ Ζ (Lambda Zeta) - 1987
**SUNY Oneonta - Λ Ξ (Lambda Xi) - 1988
**Syracuse University - Γ Ψ (Gamma Psi) - 1906
**Temple University - Μ Δ (Mu Delta) - 1992
**Texas A&M University - Κ Σ (Kappa Sigma) - 1985
**Texas Christian University - Λ Ε (Lambda Epsilon) - 1987
**Texas State University - San Marcos - Η Τ (Eta Tau) - 1966
**Texas Tech University - Ζ Π (Zeta Pi) - 1953
**South Carolina Military - Τ (Tau) - 1886
**Trinity College - Δ Χ (Delta Chi) - 1918
**Tufts University - Ζ Η (Zeta Eta) - 1950
**Tulane University - Β Φ (Beta Phi) - 1888
**University of Akron - Κ Λ (Kappa Lambda) - 1984
**University of Alabama in Huntsville - Μ Β (Mu Beta) - 1991
**University of Alabama - Θ (Theta) - 1874
**University of Arizona - Ε Α (Epsilon Alpha) - 1918
**University of Arkansas, Little Rock - Η Ξ (Eta Xi) - 1963
**University of Arkansas - Γ Υ (Gamma Upsilon) - 1904
**University of California, Berkeley - Β Ψ (Beta Psi) - 1892
**University of California, Davis - Ζ Ξ (Zeta Xi) - 1952
**University of California, Irvine - Λ Ο (Lambda Omicron) - 1989
**University of California, Los Angeles - Ε Π (Epsilon Pi) - 1930
**University of California, San Diego - Κ Ρ (Kappa Rho) - 1985
**University of California, Santa Barbara - Κ Η (Kappa Eta) - 1983
**University of Central Arkansas - Λ Φ (Lambda Phi) - 1990
**University of Central Florida - Μ Ψ (Mu Psi) - 2005
**University of Central Oklahoma - Μ Τ (Mu Tau) - 2002
**University of Chicago - Β Π (Beta Pi) - 1895
**University of Chicago - Γ Ρ (Gamma Rho) - 1904
**University of Cincinnati - Η Λ (Eta Lambda) - 1963
**University of Colorado - Γ Κ (Gamma Kappa) - 1902
**University of Connecticut - Ε Φ (Epsilon Phi) - 1943
**University of Dayton - Κ Ι (Kappa Iota) - 1984
**University of Delaware - Δ Κ (Delta Kappa) - 1911
**University of Florida - Ε Ζ (Epsilon Zeta) - 1920
**University of Georgia - Μ (Mu) - 1873
**University of Hartford - Μ Ι (Mu Iota) - 1994
**University of Houston - Ζ Χ (Zeta Chi) - 1956
**University of Idaho - Δ Ο (Delta Omicron) - 1915
**University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign - Γ Μ (Gamma Mu) - 1902
**University of Iowa - Β Μ (Beta Mu) - 1893
**University of Kansas - Ν (Nu) - 1884
**University of Kentucky - Γ Ι (Gamma Iota) - 1902
**University of Louisiana at Lafayette - Η Ν (Eta Nu) - 1963
**University of Maine - Δ Ν (Delta Nu) - 1913
**University of Maryland, College Park - Δ Φ (Delta Phi) - 1917
**University of Miami - Ζ Β (Zeta Beta) - 1948
**University of Michigan - Γ Ν (Gamma Nu) - 1902
**University of Minnesota - Γ Τ (Gamma Tau) - 1904
**University of Mississippi - Ε Ξ (Epsilon Xi) - 1927
**University of Missouri - Ρ (Rho) - 1886
**University of Montana - Γ Φ (Gamma Phi) - 1905
**University of Nebraska, Omaha - Ι Η (Iota Eta) - 1974
**University of Nebraska - Δ Η (Delta Eta) - 1909 (3 consecutive ROCK Award, and Pursuit of Excellence winners)
**University of Nevada, Las Vegas - Ι Μ (Iota Mu) - 1975
**University of Nevada - Δ Ξ (Delta Xi) - 1914
**University of New Hampshire - Ι Σ (Iota Sigma) - 1977
**University of North Carolina at Charlotte - Ι Χ (Iota Chi) - 1982
**University of North Carolina at Greensboro - Κ Υ (Kappa Upsilon) - 1985
**University of North Carolina at Asheville - Μ Η (Mu Eta) - 1993
**University of North Carolina at Wilmington - Μ Γ (Mu Gamma) - 1992
**University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill - Ψ (Psi) - 1888
**University of North Dakota - Ε Κ (Epsilon Kappa) - 1923
**University of North Texas - Ζ Ο (Zeta Omicron) - 1953
**University of Oklahoma - Δ Ε (Delta Epsilon) - 1909
**University of Oregon - Γ Ζ (Gamma Zeta) - 1900
**University of Pennsylvania - Β Ρ (Beta Rho) - 1894
**University of Puget Sound - Ζ Α (Zeta Alpha) - 1948
**University of Rhode Island - Ζ Ρ (Zeta Rho) - 1954
**University of Rochester - Λ Η (Lambda Eta) - 1987
**University of South Alabama - Θ Μ (Theta Mu) - 1970
**University of South Carolina - Δ (Delta) - 1874
**University of South Dakota - Θ Β (Theta Beta) - 1968
**University of South Florida - Θ Α (Theta Alpha) - 1967
**University of Southern California - Ε Ο (Epsilon Omicron) - 1930
**University of Southern Maine - Ι Ν (Iota Nu) - 1975
**The University of Southern Mississippi - Θ Γ (Theta Gamma) - 1968
**University of Tennessee - Ε Η (Epsilon Eta) - 1921
**University of Texas at Arlington - Ι Ο (Iota Omicron) - 1976
**University of Texas at Austin - Υ (Upsilon) - 1886
**University of Texas at San Antonio - Μ Θ (Mu Theta) - 1994
**University of the South - Β Ο (Beta Omicron) - 1889
**University of Toledo - Λ Ψ (Lambda Psi) - 1991
**University of Toronto - Ζ Δ (Zeta Delta) - 1949
**University of Tulsa - Ζ Λ (Zeta Lambda) - 1951
**University of Utah - Ε Λ (Epsilon Lambda) - 1924
**University of Vermont - Β Σ (Beta Sigma) - 1898
**University of Virginia - Β (Beta) - 1871
**University of Washington - Γ Χ (Gamma Chi) - 1896
**University of Western Ontario - Κ Β (Kappa Beta) - 1982
**University of Wisconsin-Madison - Γ Λ (Gamma Lambda) - 1902
**University of Wyoming - Ε Δ (Epsilon Delta) - 1920
**Utah State University - Ε Υ (Epsilon Upsilon) - 1938
**Valdosta State University - Μ Ν (Mu Nu) - 1996
**Valley City State University - Ι Ι (Iota Iota) - 1974
**Vanderbilt University - Σ (Sigma) - 1886
**Villanova University - Κ Ζ (Kappa Zeta) - 1983
**Vincennes University - Ι Ζ (Iota Zeta) - 1974
**Virginia Military Institute - Α (Alpha) - 1869
**Virginia Tech - Θ Ξ (Theta Xi) - 1971
**Virginia Wesleyan College - Ι Β (Iota Beta) - 1974
**Wake Forest University - Λ Α (Lambda Alpha) - 1986
**Washington and Lee University - Λ (Lambda) - 1882
**Washington State University - Δ Ι (Delta Iota) - 1910
**Washington University in St. Louis - Γ Ο (Gamma Omicron) - 1903
**Weber State University - Θ Ο (Theta Omicron) - 1972
**Wesleyan University - Ε Γ (Epsilon Gamma) - 1920
**West Texas A&M University - Η Δ (Eta Delta) - 1959
**West Virginia University - Γ Π (Gamma Pi) - 1904
**Western Carolina University - Κ Φ (Kappa Phi) - 1985
**Western Illinois University - Κ Α (Kappa Alpha) - 1982
**Western Kentucky University - Η Ρ (Eta Rho) - 1965
**Western Michigan University - Λ Ν (Lambda Nu) - 1988
**Western Reserve College - Δ Ζ (Delta Zeta) - 1909 (merged with Δ A chapter after school merged with Case Institute of Technology)
**Westminster College - Ε Ψ (Epsilon Psi) - 1947
**Wichita State University - Λ Μ (Lambda Mu) - 1988
**William Jewell College - Β Ξ (Beta Xi) - 1894
**Winthrop University - Κ Ξ (Kappa Xi) - 1985
**Wittenberg University - Ι Φ (Iota Phi) - 1980
**Wofford College - Η Ο (Eta Omicron) - 1964
**Yale University - Β Α (Beta Alpha) - 1889


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