Exaltation (LDS Church)

Exaltation (LDS Church)

Exaltation or Eternal Life is a belief among members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church) that mankind can return to live in God's presence and continue as families. [ [http://lds.org/ldsorg/v/index.jsp?vgnextoid=bbd508f54922d010VgnVCM1000004d82620aRCRD&locale=0&index=5&sourceId=61810bbce1d98010VgnVCM1000004d82620a____ "Topic Definition - Eternal Life", "Official LDS Church Website"] 9 June, 2008.]

Exaltation is believed to be what God desires for all his children. By exaltation, the Church teaches that we may be joint-heirs with Jesus Christ. [ [http://scriptures.lds.org/en/rom/8/16-17#16 Romans 8:16-17] ] The objective of adherents to strive for purity and righteousness; to become one with Jesus and Jesus is one with the Father. [Joseph Smith, King Follette Discourse] In the Doctrine & Covenants is found a scripture that describes those who are exalted will become gods. [ [http://scriptures.lds.org/en/dc/132/20#20 D&C 132:20] ] Though LDS believe there are prerequisite ordinances, such as baptism and other temple ordinances, exaltation will be open to all who have ever lived upon the earth through the LDS vicarious temple work.


According to LDS beliefs, certain ordinances, such as baptism, are required of all those who hope to obtain exaltation. Yet millions have lived and died throughout the earth's history without having received these saving ordinances. LDS believe that these required ordinances are available to all; both the living and those who have died. LDS doctrine teaches that all individuals will have an equitable and fair opportunity to hear the 'fullness of the gospel' taught in this life, or in the life to come, and will subsequently have the opportunity to either accept the message of Jesus Christ and His gospel, or reject it.

These ordinances are done in temples. Latter-day Saints are taught to become kings and queens in God's kingdom through performing the ordinances of exaltation such as the endowment. Celestial marriage is also part of the requirements of being exalted. It means husbands are married for eternity with their wives. The fullness of the gospel is the doctrines and ordinances of the Gospel.

Latter-day Saint members are committed to performing these required, sacred ordinances vicariously in behalf of those who have died without the opportunity of hearing the gospel or perform the saving ordinances. They feel obligated to perform these ordinances for all mankind who have lived before them, that all may have an equal opportunity to receive the blessings of the Celestial Kingdom if they choose to do so through their faith in and acceptance of Jesus Christ. It is their belief that those who have died without these ordinances need them in order to progress beyond this life. Acceptance of these ordinances by those who have died is entirely voluntary in (the Spirit world or paradise), and in no way takes away the agency of those individuals. Should an individual who is in the Spirit world and has the saving ordinances performed for them subsequently reject them, it would be as if these ordinances were never performed. It is taught that some will accept them, and others will reject them.

Different kingdoms

Those who reject the saving ordinances are still believed to have the opportunity to inherit a kingdom of glory distinct from, and of less glory, than the Celestial Kingdom: either the Terrestrial Kingdom or the Telestial Kingdom [The Celestial kingdom are reserved for the valiant members of the church who have a testimony of Christ and live a Christian life. The Terrestrial kingdom is for the honorable people and virtuous people of the world as well as those who reject the gospel. The Telestial kingdom is for the murders and robbers and liars of the world. The Celestial kingdom has two separate degrees that have those who are married and those who are not, who will be servants to others. (DC 130:5, 1 Corinthians. [http://www.lds.org/portal/site/LDSOrg/menuitem.3933737ad2ff28132eb22a86942826a0/?vgnextoid=bbd508f54922d010VgnVCM1000004d82620aRCRD&locale=0&sourceId=d1ef9daac5d98010VgnVCM1000004d82620a____ Gospel Topics - Kingdoms of Glory, Official LDS Church Website] ]

Exaltation in the Celestial Kingdom is the ultimate goal of faithful LDS Church members.

In a LDS scripture, the book of Moses 1:39, God tells Moses, "this is my work and my glory—to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man." God shows Moses a vision depicting some of His vast creations including a vast number of worlds created for other people—a sampling of what God created in the past and what he will continue to do forever. Each world was prepared and peopled by God for the purpose of bringing to pass the immortality and eternal life of all of this children. "Immortality" refers to personal resurrection by which each individual can continue to enjoy a perfect, physical body forever. "Exaltation" refers to living in the presence of God and Jesus Christ; to becoming like God both in terms of holiness or godliness and sharing in God's glory. [ [http://scriptures.lds.org/en/dc/132/23#23 Doctrine & Covenants 132:23] ]

It is commonly believed by members of the Church that, as God's children, mankind may, through the merits and mercy accorded all through the Atonement of Christ, become like God the Father. As Paul taught the Romans, "And if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ; if so be that we suffer with him, that we may be also glorified together." [Romans 8:17] The eternities will be spent in a process of eternal progression becoming more like the Father.

Latter-day Saints posit that not only does God have the power to exalt mortal man, but without the possibility, there is little reason for mortality. [The object of our earthly existence is that we may have a fullness of joy, and that we may become the sons and daughters of God, in the fullest sense of the word, being heirs of God and joint heirs with Jesus Christ, to be kings and priests unto God, to inherit glory, dominion, exaltation, thrones and every power and attribute developed and possessed by our Heavenly Father. This is the object of our being on this earth. In order to attain unto this exalted position, it is necessary that we go through this mortal experience, or probation, by which we may prove ourselves worthy, through the aid of our elder brother Jesus - [http://www.lds.org/portal/site/LDSOrg/menuitem.b3bc55cbf541229058520974e44916a0/?vgnextoid=da135f74db46c010VgnVCM1000004d82620aRCRD&locale=0&sourceId=0786f48fa2d20110VgnVCM100000176f620a____ "Melchizedek Priesthood Manual", "Official LDS Church Website"] 9 June, 2008.] They also point to comments made by Christ and Psalmists among others that refer to the Divine nature and potential of humans as children of God. [John 17:20-23, Psalms 8:4,5] They include passages in the Book of Revelation that describe the joint heirship with Christ of those who overcome by faith in Jesus Christ. [Rev. 21:7,3:21]

See also

*Mormonism and Christianity



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