Generalized Helmholtz theorem

Generalized Helmholtz theorem

The generalized Helmholtz theorem is the multi-dimensional generalization of the Helmholtz theorem which is valid only in one dimension. The generalized Helmholtz theorem reads as follows.

Let:mathbf{p}=(p_1,p_2,...,p_s), :mathbf{q}=(q_1,q_2,...,q_s),be the canonical coordinates of a "s"-dimensional Hamiltonian system, and let

: H(mathbf{p},mathbf{q};V)=K(mathbf{p})+varphi(mathbf{q};V)

be the Hamiltonian function, where


is the kinetic energy and


is the potential energy which depends on a parameter V.Let the hyper-surfaces of constant energy in the 2"s"-dimensional phase space of the system be metrically indecomposable and let leftlangle cdot ight angle_t denote time average. Define the quantities E, P, T, S, as follows:

:E = K + varphi ,

:T = frac{2}{s}leftlangle K ight angle _{t},

:P = leftlangle -frac{partial varphi }{partial V} ight angle _{t},

:S(E,V) = log int_{H(mathbf{p},mathbf{q};V) leq E} d^smathbf{p}d^s mathbf{q}.


:dS = frac{dE+PdV}{T}.


The thesis of this theorem of classical mechanics reads exactly as the heat theorem of thermodynamics. This fact shows that thermodynamic-like relations exist between certain mechanical quantities in multidimensional ergodic systems. This in turn allows to define the "thermodynamic state" of a multi-dimensional ergodic mechanical system, without the requirement that the system be composed of a large number of degrees of freedom. In particular the temperature T is given by twice the time average of the kinetic energy per degree of freedom, and the entropy S by the logarithm of the phase space volume enclosed by the constant energy surface (i.e. the so-called volume entropy.


Further reading

*Helmholtz, H., von (1884a). Principien der Statik monocyklischer Systeme. "Borchardt-Crelles Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik", 97, 111140 (also in Wiedemann G. (Ed.) (1895) Wissenschafltliche Abhandlungen. Vol. 3 (pp. 142162, 179202). Leipzig: Johann Ambrosious Barth).
*Helmholtz, H., von (1884b). Studien zur Statik monocyklischer Systeme. "Sitzungsberichte der niglich Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin", I, 159177 (also in Wiedemann G. (Ed.) (1895) Wissenschafltliche Abhandlungen. Vol. 3 (pp. 163178). Leipzig: Johann Ambrosious Barth).
*Boltzmann, L. (1884). Über die Eigenschaften monocyklischer und anderer damit verwandter Systeme."Crelles Journal", 98: 6894 (also in Boltzmann, L. (1909). Wissenschaftliche Abhandlungen (Vol. 3,pp. 122152), F. Hasenöhrl (Ed.). Leipzig. Reissued New York: Chelsea, 1969).
*Khinchin, A. I. (1949). "Mathematical foundations of statistical mechanics". New York: Dover.
*Gallavotti, G. (1999). "Statistical mechanics: A short treatise". Berlin: Springer.
*Campisi, M. (2005) "On the mechanical foundations of thermodynamics: The generalized Helmholtz theorem" Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 36: 275290

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