Luis Fernando Figari

Luis Fernando Figari

Luis Fernando Figari Rodrigo (born July 8, 1947 in Lima, Peru) is a Peruvian Catholic layman and the founder and superior general of Sodalitium Christianae Vitae. He has also founded Christian Life Movement and other religious associations.


Early life and education

Luis Fernando Figari was born in Lima, Peru, the 8th of July 1947.His parents were Don Alberto Figari (1902-1990) and Mrs. Blanca Figari (1909-1995), both of them Peruvians. He was born in a Catholic family, and was the last of four children.

He studied in the Immaculate Heart of Mary School until he was 10 years of age and then in Holy Mary High School at Lima.

When he was 7 years old, he received the Sacraments of Reconciliation, Communion, and Confirmation. Presiding over the Liturgy was Archbishop Juan Landazuri, O.F.M., who would have an important role in the approval of the Sodalitium, as well as in other societies Luis Fernando established.

Adult life

He first studied Humanities and Law at the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru, and afterwards Law in the National University of San Marcos, in Lima. When he was 19 years old he was elected to represent all the university students from Lima, giving the welcoming speech to US presidential candidate Robert Kennedy during his visit to Peru.

After participating in politics and searching answers in philosophy, he began to walk through the path of the faith. A Passionist Priest, Father Constancio Bollar, who had baptized L.F. Figari and was a friend of the family, had an important role in his discernment towards a consecrated life. Fr. Bollar became, until his death in 1975, his spiritual director.

He would begin studying Theology in the Pontifical and Civil School of Theology of Lima, where he also taught in 1975.

His conversion process finds a culminating point in the foundation of the Sodalitium Christianae Vitae, in 1971. He calls that moment "baptism of a search". Cardinal Landazuri, the Archbishop of Lima, would start meeting with Figari in 1972, following closely the development of the Sodalitium and expressing his support.

In 1974, he founded the Immaculate Mary Association for women.

In 1984 Figari participated in the first World Youth's Day at Rome, pronouncing theCatechesis on Love”, in Saint Paul Outside the Walls Basilica. One year later, in 1985, he founded the Christian Life Movement (CLM), an ecclesial movement.

In 1991, he founded the Marian Community of Reconciliation, a religious association for lay consecrated women.

In 1994, Christian Life Movement was recognized by the Vatican as an International Lay Association of Faithful of pontifical right.

In 1995, he founded the Confraternity of Our Lady of Reconciliation.

In 1997, Sodalitium was approved by Pope John Paul II as a Society of Apostolic Life for laymen and priests.

One year later, in 1998, Figari founded another religious association for consecrated women, the Servants of the Plan of God.

All the members of these institutions, who share a common spirit and goals, are said to form a spiritual family: the Sodalit Family. It is constituted by men and women of every age, and is extended throughout the Americas and Europe, as well as in Australia and some countries of Asia and Africa.

In 2002, Pope John Paul II named Figari as Consultor to the Pontifical Council for the Laity.

In 2005, Pope Benedict XVI named Figari as an Auditor to the Synod of Bishops on the Eucharist, one of the few lay participants invited to the assembly.

On June 3, 2006, Figari addressed the conclusive words to Pope Benedict XVI in the Encounter of the Ecclesial Movements and New Communities with the Holy Father at the Vigil of Pentecost in St. Peters Square, Vatican.

Thought and writings

Figari has published many articles and books on various subjects, such as Christian spirituality, the Virgin Mary, the Eucharist, Catholic social teachings, the Catholic view of family, human rights and evangelization of culture. He has strongly backed the ideal of reconciliation, as well as the organization of congresses on several occasions on the issue of reconciliation. He is considered one of the main Latin American Catholic thinkers.

Although his writings cover a vast number of subjects, a strong synthetic view of Christian life and mission emerges. First, an understanding of the itinerary which the Christian must travel on the road to holiness, based upon the cornerstone of the virtue of faith, which is the means to enter into communion with the mystery of love of the Holy Trinity. Figari's approach to spiritual life is deeply centered upon the event of the Incarnation, finding in the Lord Jesus the illumination for the mystery of human existence. In this context the teaching of the Second Vatican Council and specifically of paragraph 22 of Gaudium et spes is very important for Figari, as well as the role of Saint Mary, Mother of the Lord Jesus and our Mother, in Christian life. Filial love to Mary is understood as a dynamic process of growth in love, by which the Christian, who has been led to Mary by the love he finds in the heart of Christ, grows in his love of the Lord Jesus as well as in the understanding of Him, in the measure in which he lives in the company of Mary. The incarnation is understood in terms of Reconciliation, which becomes the key to understanding all the relational dimensions of human existence: relationship with God, with oneself, with other persons, and with the whole of creation. This understanding of Christian life, which according to Figari must become everyday life, naturally develops into an ecclesial affirmation of the apostolic mission of which all Christians are responsible. Conscious of the need for Christian witness in the present context, Figari has reflected upon the challenges for evangelization, analyzing the crisis of our secularized cultured, which he describes as characterized by functional agnosticism. He has also developed different aspects of the mission of the People of God in our times. Among them, four have a special relevance in his writings: the evangelization of youth, solidarity with the poor, the family and the evangelization of culture.


* Luis Fernando Figari, "Un mundo en cambio", Verbo, Lima 1978. (Second edition: Edino, Santiago de Guayaquil 2004. ISBN 9978-21-009-1)

* Luis Fernando Figari, "Voz de esperanza: S.S. Juan Pablo II", FE, Lima 1979.

* Luis Fernando Figari, "Huellas de un peregrinar", FE, Lima 1984. (Second edition: FE, Lima 1991. ISBN 9972-41-016-1)

* Luis Fernando Figari, "En compañía de María", FE, Lima 1985. (Fifth edition: Vida y Espiritualidad, Lima 2002. ISBN 9972-600-82-3)

* Luis Fernando Figari, "Aportes para una teología de la reconciliación", FE, Lima 1985. (Second edition: FE, Lima 2000. ISBN 9972-41-010-2)

* Luis Fernando Figari, "El laico y la nueva evangelización", FE, Lima 1986.

* Luis Fernando Figari, "El desafío: Ante una cultura de muerte una cultura de vida, de libertad, de amor", FE, Lima 1987.

* Luis Fernando Figari, "Características de una espiritualidad para nuestro tiempo desde América Latina", Vida y Espiritualidad, Lima 1988.

* Luis Fernando Figari, "Dios no ha muerto. Reflexiones en torno a la teología de la muerte de Dios", Vida y Espiritualidad, Lima 1988.

* Luis Fernando Figari, "La Populorum progressio", Vida y Espiritualidad, Lima 1988.

* Luis Fernando Figari, "Por qué una teología de la reconciliación", FE, Lima 1989. (Second edition: Vida y Espiritualidad, Lima 2004. ISBN 9972-600-94-7)

* Luis Fernando Figari, "La enseñanza social de la Iglesia. Camino de reconciliación", Vida y Espiritualidad, Lima 1989.

* Luis Fernando Figari, "Catequesis sobre el amor. Jubileo de los jóvenes. 14 de abril de 1984", FE, Lima 1990.

* Luis Fernando Figari, "El pecado original, niveles de ruptura y reconciliación", FE, Lima 1990.

* Luis Fernando Figari, "La dignidad del hombre y los derechos humanos", FE, Lima 1991.

* Luis Fernando Figari, "Reflexión sobre Medellín. Un largo caminar", Vida y Espiritualidad, Lima 1991.

* Luis Fernando Figari, "Peregrinar de una comunidad. Un movimiento joven como respuesta para los jóvenes", Interview by Fr. Harold Griffiths Escardó, FE, Lima 1991.

* Luis Fernando Figari, "Función dinámica de María", FE, Lima 1992.

* Luis Fernando Figari, "Reflexiones en torno a la Trinidad y a la Creación", FE, Lima 1992.

* Luis Fernando Figari, "Con Santa María en América Latina. Reflexiones desde Puebla", FE, Lima 1992.

* Luis Fernando Figari, "María, Paradigma de Unidad", Vida y Espiritualidad, Lima 1992.

* Luis Fernando Figari, "Evangelización, promoción humana y reconciliación en la forja de América Latina", Vida y Espiritualidad, Lima 1992.

* Luis Fernando Figari, "Con María en oración", FE, Lima 1993. ISBN 9972-41-012-9 (English: "With Mary in Prayer", Our Sunday Visitor, Huntington (IN) 1999. ISBN 0-87973-691-7)

* Luis Fernando Figari, "El matrimonio, un camino de santidad", Comisión Episcopal de Familia - Vida y Espiritualidad, Lima 1994. ISBN 84-89308-69-1.

* Luis Fernando Figari, "María y la vocación a la vida cristiana", FE, Lima 1995. ISBN 9972-41-001-3.

* Luis Fernando Figari, "Hacia las fuentes de la enseñanza social en la Sagrada Escritura", Vida y Espiritualidad, Lima 1995. ISBN 9972-600-02-5.

* Luis Fernando Figari, "Horizontes de Reconciliación", Vida y Espiritualidad, Lima 1996. ISBN 9972-600-18-1

* Luis Fernando Figari, "Enseñanzas de San José para la Vida Cristiana", FE, Lima 1997. ISBN 9972-41-002-1.

* Luis Fernando Figari, "Federico Ozanam, apóstol de la caridad y la reconciliación", Vida y Espiritualidad, Lima 1998. ISBN 9972-600-41-6

* Luis Fernando Figari, "Lenguaje, homogeneización y globalización", Vida y Espiritualidad, Lima 1998. ISBN 9972-600-49-1.

* Luis Fernando Figari, "Misión reconciliadora de la Iglesia", FE, Lima 1999. ISBN 9972-41-005-6

* Luis Fernando Figari, "Concilio Plenario Latinoamericano. Un centenario", Vida y Espiritualidad, Lima 1999. ISBN 9972-600-60-2

* Luis Fernando Figari, "Páginas de fe", FE, Lima 2000. ISBN 9972-41-009-9

* Luis Fernando Figari, "Luces de Emaús para la vida cristiana", FE, Lima 2000. ISBN 9972-41-008-0

* Luis Fernando Figari, "¿Nuevos clásicos?", Vida y Espiritualidad, Lima 2000. ISBN 9972-600-69-6

* Luis Fernando Figari, "Una aventura fascinante", FE, Lima 2001. ISBN 9972-41-009-9

* Luis Fernando Figari, "Nostalgia de infinito", FE, Lima 2002. ISBN 9972-41-013-7

* Luis Fernando Figari, "Vida cristiana y nueva evangelización", FE, Lima 2002. ISBN 9972-41-011-0.

* Luis Fernando Figari, "El modelo de San Jósé ante los desafíos del Tercer Milenio", FE, Lima 2004. ISBN 9972-41-014-5.

* Luis Fernando Figari, "Dolor y alegría. Reflexiones de Viernes Santo", Vida y Espiritualidad, Lima 2005. ISBN 9972-600-98-X

* Luis Fernando Figari, "De la despedida a la bienvenida", FE, Lima 2006. ISBN 9972-41-020-X

* Luis Fernando Figari, "La búsqueda de la verdad", Vida y Espiritualidad, Lima 2006. ISBN 9972-212-09-2

* Luis Fernando Figari, "Caminos de Meditación. Métodos. Tomo I", Vida y Espiritualidad, Lima 2006. ISBN 9972-212-11-4

* Luis Fernando Figari, "Una recta lectura del Concilio en vistas al Tercer Milenio", Vida y Espiritualidad, Lima 2007. ISBN 9972-212-17-3

* Luis Fernando Figari, "Maestría de la palabra y la Pasión", Vida y Espiritualidad, Lima 2008. ISBN 978-9972-212-26-0

* Luis Fernando Figari, "Catequesis al Movimiento de Vida Cristiana en San Juan de Letrán", FE, Lima 2008. ISBN 978-9972-41-021-5

External links

* [ Luis Fernando Figari Online Writings]
* [ Sodalitium Christianae Vitae - United States]
* [ Christian Life Movement - USA]
* [ Movimiento de Vida Cristiana]
* [ Marian Community of Reconciliation]
* [ Servants of the Plan of God]
* [ Sodalit Family]
* [ Christian Life Movement - Canada]

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