

Chuflay is the name of a traditional Bolivian mixed drink. The drink is made on the rocks in a tall glass, such as a Collins glass, with a jigger of singani and filled with either ginger ale, 7-Up, or Sprite and often garnished with a slice of lime. Chuflay is used in special events, ie. weddings, promotions, amongst others. This drink is very affordable in most places and is served frequently.

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Murphy, Alan. Footprint: Bolivia Handbook, Third Edition. Bath: Footprint Handbooks, 2002. [1]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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  • Chuflay — es una bebida típica boliviana. Se compone habitualmente de un cuarto de singani, hielo y gaseosa Ginger Ale, decorada con una rodaja de limón. Se asocia comúnmente al juego de dados llamado cacho. Se consume mayormente en las zonas frías, como… …   Wikipedia Español

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  • chuflay — m. Bol. Bebida compuesta de una parte de licor y otra de gaseosa, a la que se añaden rodajas de limón …   Diccionario de la lengua española

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  • Singani — is a South American liquor, similar to pisco, distilled from a variety of the muscatel grape grown in southern Bolivia and Northwest Argentina. It is Bolivia s national liquor.Singani is used to make many traditional cocktails, including the… …   Wikipedia

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  • Julio César Baldivieso — Nombre Julio César Baldivieso Rico Apodo El Emperador, Chuflay Nacimiento 2 de diciembre de 1971 (39 años) Cochabamba …   Wikipedia Español

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