- Abelson murine leukemia virus
name = "PAGENAME"
virus_group = vi
familia = "Retroviridae "
subfamilia = "Orthoretrovirinae"
genus = "Gammaretrovirus "
species = "Murine leukemia virus"
subdivision_ranks = Serotype
subdivision = "Abelson murine leukemia virus"The Abelson murine leukemia virus (Ab-MLV, A-MuLV) is aretrovirus (Class VI) used to inducetransformation of murine lymphoid cells. As a retrovirus, it has a single-stranded, positive senseRNA genome which replicates via aDNA intermediate mediated by areverse transcriptase . The Abelson murine leukemia virus is named for the American pediatrician Herbert T. Abelson who first described and isolated it. [Abelson, H.T. and Rabstein, L.S.; "Lymphosarcoma: virus-induced thymic-independent disease in mice Cancer"; "Res."; 1970; 30:2213-2222. ]A-MuLV causes a rapidly progressive
lymphosarcoma known as Abelson disease in mice, which is a type ofleukemia that does not involve thethymus . However, this is only possible when the host cell is co-infected with a helper virus which provides functions it needs to be able to replicate which is does not code for in its own genome such as a reverse transcriptase and some major structural proteins. As such, A-MuLV can be described as adependovirus . A highly efficient helper virus commonly used when growing A-MuLV "in vitro" isMoloney murine leukemia virus (M-MuLV). It causes leukemia directly by interfering with the normal growth and differentiation processes oflymphocytes . It can infectB-cells which was shown by the fact that some tumor cells can be seen to have immunoglobulins (Ig) on their surface although most tumor cells do not have characteristic receptors on their surface indicating that they are undifferentiated cells. "In vitro" studies have shown that lymphocyte infection produces tumor cell populations comprising three types of cells: stable productive cells, non-productive cells and cells which produced defective virus particles which are not infective. [Rosenberg, N., Baltimore, D. and Scher, C.D.; "In vitro Transformation of Lymphoid Cells by Abelson Murine Leukemia Virus"; 1975; "Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci." USA; 72(5):1932-1936] [Shields, A., Rosenberg, N. and Baltimore, D.; "Virus Production by Abelson Murine Leukemia Virus-Transformed Lymphoid Cells"; 1979; "Journal of Virology"; 31(2):557-567]References
External links
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.