List of Tutsis

List of Tutsis

This is a list of famous tutsis

*Ruganzu I ex king of Rwanda – 1438-1482
*Cyirima I ex king of Rwanda – 1482-1506
*Kigeli I ex king of Rwanda – 1506-1528
*Mibabwe I ex king of Rwanda – 1528-1552
*Yuhi I ex king of Rwanda – 1552-1576
*Ndahiro II ex king of Rwanda – 1576-1600
*Ruganzu II ex king of Rwanda – 1600-1624
*Mutara I ex king of Rwanda – 1624-1648
*Kigeli II ex king of Rwanda – 1648-1672
*Mibambwe II ex king ofRwanda – 1672-1696
*Yuhi II of Rwanda ex king of Rwanda – 1696-1720
*Karemeera ex king of Rwanda – 1720-1744
*Cyirima II ex king of Rwanda – 1744-1768
*Kigeli III ex king of Rwanda – 1768-1792
*Mibabwe III ex king ofRwanda – 1792-1797
*Yuhi III ex king of Rwanda – 1797-1830
*Mutara II ex king of Rwanda – 1830-1853
*Kigeli IV ex king of Rwanda – 1853-1895
*Mibambwe IV ex king ofRwanda – 1895-1896
*Yuhi IV ex king of Rwanda – 1896 -1931
*Mutara III ex of king Rwanda – 1931 1959
*Kigeli V ex king of Rwanda – 1959 - 1961
*Paul Kagame, current president of Rwanda – born 1957
*Ntare III Rushatsi, ex king of Burundi – 1680-1709
*Mwezi III Ndagushimiye, ex king of Burundi – 1709 - 1739
*Mutaga III Senyamwiza Mutamo, ex king of Burundi 1739- 1767
*Mwambutsa III Syarushambo Butama, ex king of Burundi – 1767 -1796
*Mwambutsa III Mbariza – 1850-1884
*Ntare IV Rutaganzwa Rugamba, ex king of Burundi – 1884-1890
*Mwezi IV Gisabo, ex king of Burundi – 1908 1915
*Mwezi IV Gisabo, ex king of Burundi 1915 1916
*Mwezi IV Gisabo, ex king of Burundi – 1916-1922
*Mutaga IV Mbikije, ex king of Burundi – 1922-1946
*Mwambutsa IV Baniriceng, ex king of Burundi – 1962-1966
*Ntare V Ndizeye, ex king of Burundi – 1966-1966
*Michel Micombero, former president of Burundi –1940-1983
*Jean-Baptiste Bagaza, former president of Burundi – born 1946
*Pierre Buyoya , former president of Burundi – born 1949
*Sylvie Kinigi, former prime minister of Burundi and acting president of Burundi – born 1952
*Louis Rwagasore, former prime minister of Burundi – 1932-1961
*André Muhirwa, former prime minister of Burundi
*Léopold Biha, former prime minister of Burundi
*Anatole Kanyenkiko, former prime minister of Burundi – born 1952
*Antoine Nduwayo, former prime minister of Burundi– born 1942
*Mathias Sinamenye, 2nd vice president of Burundi
*Alphonse-Marie Kadege, 4nd vice president of Burundi
*Frédéric Ngenzebuhoro 5nd vice president of Burundi
*Martin Nduwimana, 6nd vice president of Burundi – born 1958
*Rosalie Gicanda, ex-queen of Burundi
*Sonia Rolland, actress – born 1981, mother "tutsi" ,father French
*Lando Ndasingwa, Rwandan politician, – died 1994
*Benjamin Sehene, Rwandian author, – 1959, lives in Paris

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