Alessandro Marcello

Alessandro Marcello

Alessandro Marcello (August 24, 1669 – June 19, 1747) was an Italian nobleman and dilettante who excelled in various areas, including poetry, philosophy, mathematics and, perhaps most notably, music.


A slightly older contemporary of Antonio Vivaldi, Marcello held concerts at his hometown of Venice. He composed and published several sets of concertos, including six concertos under the title of "La Cetra" (The Lyre), as well as cantatas, arias, canzonets, and violin sonatas. Marcello often composed under the pseudonym Eterio Stinfalico, his name as a member of the celebrated Arcadian Academy ("Pontificia Accademia degli Arcadi").

Although his works are infrequently performed today, Marcello is regarded as a very competent composer. His "La Cetra" concertos are "unusual for their wind solo parts, concision and use of counterpoint within a broadly Vivaldian style," according to Grove, "placing them as a last outpost of the classic Venetian Baroque concerto."

A concerto Marcello wrote in D minor for oboe, strings and basso continuo is perhaps his best-known work. Its worth was attested to by Johann Sebastian Bach who transcribed it for harpsichord (BWV 974).

He died in Padua in 1747.

Alessandro's brother was Benedetto Marcello, also a composer.

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* The Grove Concise Dictionary of Music, Oxford University Press, 1994

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