

Nomos or Nomoi may refer to:

  • Nome (Egypt), a subdivisions of Ancient Egypt
  • Nome (Greece), the administrative division immediately below the peripheries of Greece (Greek: νομός, nomós; pl. νομοί, nomoí)
  • law (Greek: νόμος, nómos; pl. νόμοι, nómoi). It is the origin of the suffix -onomy, as in astronomy, economy, or taxonomy.
  • Nomos (mythology), "the spirit of law" in Greek mythology
  • Nomos (sociology), "meaningful orders or worldviews of individuals" in Peter L. Berger's sociology of religion
  • Nomos (video game), a video game that was in development by Coded Illusions

The nouns nómos and nomós both derive from the verb νέμω, némō, to dispense or to allot, with nomós being the result of allotment and nómos being the manner of allotment or dispensing (justice).


  • Nomos Publishers


  • NOMOS-BANK, a Russian bank
  • Nomos Glashütte, a German watchmaking company
  • Nomos-Uhr-Gesellschaft, Guido Müller & Co., a German watch company from 1906-1910

See also

  • Nome (disambiguation)

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  • nomos — nȍmos m DEFINICIJA 1. pov. pravn. ono što je dodijeljeno, pridijeljeno; običaj, red, zakon, moralni zakon, dužnost, pravni propis koji važi za sve 2. fil. pojavljuje se kao razlika prema prirodnom zakonu koji je općenit, dok je nomos dogovor,… …   Hrvatski jezični portal

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  • nomos —    by Jonathan Roffe    Nomos is the name that Deleuze gives to the way of arranging elements whether they are people, thoughts or space itself that does not rely upon an organisation or permanent structure. It indicates a free distribution,… …   The Deleuze dictionary

  • nomos —    by Jonathan Roffe    Nomos is the name that Deleuze gives to the way of arranging elements whether they are people, thoughts or space itself that does not rely upon an organisation or permanent structure. It indicates a free distribution,… …   The Deleuze dictionary

  • Nomos — Nọ|mos 〈m.; , Nọ|moi〉 1. menschl. Gesetz, Ordnung 2. 〈Mus.〉 antike Weise, Melodiemodell für solistischen Vortrag [grch. „Brauch, Gesetz, Sangweise“] * * * Nọ|mos, der; , Nomoi [griech. nómos]: 1. (Philos.) menschliche Ordnung, von Menschen… …   Universal-Lexikon

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  • Nomos — No|mos der; , Nomoi [ nɔmɔy] <aus gleichbed. gr. nómos, Plur. nómoi, eigtl. »das Zugeteilte« zu némein »austeilen, verwalten, lenken«>: 1. Gesetz, Sitte, Ordnung, Herkommen, Rechtsvorschrift (Philos.). 2. a) bestimmte Singweise in der… …   Das große Fremdwörterbuch

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