1851 in art

1851 in art


*Publication of John Ruskin's book, "Pre-Raphaelitism".


*Jean-Baptiste Camille Corot - "La Danse des Nymphes"
*Frederick Richard Lee - "Shattered Oak in Bedfordshire"


*January 17 - A. B. Frost, illustrator (d. 1928)
*February 3 - Wilhelm Trübner, painter (d. 1917)
*October 13 - Charles Sprague Pearce, painter (d. 1914)
*November 21 - Leslie Ward ("Spy"), cartoonist (d. 1922)


*January 27 - John James Audubon, naturalist and painter (b. 1785)
*April 7 - Henry Thomas Alken, English engraver, illustrator and sporting artist (b. 1785)
*July 10 - Louis Daguerre, inventor of daguerreotype photography (b. 1787)
*July 11 - Benjamin Duterrau, painter and engraver (b. 1767)
*October 29 - William Wyon, English chief engraver at the Royal Mint (b. 1795)
*November - Willis Buell, politician and portrait painter (b. 1790)
*December 19 - J. M. W. Turner - English Romantic landscape painter, watercolourist and printmaker (b. 1775)

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