- Floyd R. Turbo
Floyd R. Turbo was a recurring comedic character on "
The Tonight Show ", portrayed by hostJohnny Carson from1977 until his departure from the program in1992 .Floyd R. Turbo was a middle-aged "
everyman ," a politicallyconservative type who taped editorial messages for television (alaGilda Radner 's befuddledEmily Litella character). In the days beforepublic access cable, ordinary citizens were alloted time on local television to air their views, usually in opposition to another's previously stated views, and at late or odd hours. Billed as "Mr. Silent Majority" (from a phrase used by PresidentRichard Nixon ) and based on characters Carson encountered in his northeastNebraska childhood), Turbo dressed in aplaid hunting jacket and hat, and stood nervously in front of a TV camera as he delivered his opinions ongun control , war,women's liberation , andhunting .Carson once told "
Rolling Stone " reporter Timothy White, "He's (Turbo) the epitome of the redneck ignoramus. I find the things (characteristics) each week when I go out to do...his gestures at the wrong time, his not knowing where he's supposed to be, his feeble attempts at humor, his talks about things he doesn't quite understand." [ [http://www.rollingstone.com/news/story/6862856/johnny_carson Johnny Carson : Rolling Stone ] ]Example Commentaries
Nuclear Energy
"And what's all this fuss about
plutonium : how can something named after a Disney character be dangerous? So what if an atomic plant blows up? The people who say that, they are afraid to die. I'm not afraid to die because all my life I have lived by the Good Book, theAmerican Legion magazine...They sayatomic radiation can hurt your reproductive organs. My answer is, so can ahockey stick , but we don't stop building them....Sure, nuclear leaks will affect the forest animals. So what if a deer grows up with two rear ends? They're easier to shoot...So in my simple way, I'm asking that you supportnuclear energy . Remember being an American means being powerful, proud and pushy, and in conclusion, let me finish by ending...Thank you."Military Drafts
"This station wants no
draft . They want to deprive a boy of the Army. The Army is educational. The Army teaches you how to do dental work with the butt of a rifle....how to tell what time it is by making asundial out of a dead person...how to make beer out ofbird droppings and also how to make a rubber girl out of aninner tube ...In conclusion, I say we should not end the draft. We should increase it. We have a moral obligation to giveBob Hope soldiers to entertain. Fellow Americans, it is an honor to be drafted and to serve your country. Thank you, bye-bye, and buy bonds." [ [http://mediaconcepts.blogspot.com/2007/01/lunatic-fringe-we-all-know-youre-out.html Media Concepts: Lunatic Fringe, We All Know You're Out There ] ]Hunting
"If God didn't want us to hunt, He wouldn't have given us plaid shirts; I only kill in self defensewhat would you do if a rabbit pulled a knife on you?"
'"Baseball the way it was meant to be played, on real grass, with no
designated hitter and all white guys." [ [http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=950DEEDF173AF933A2575AC0A96F948260&sec=&spon=&pagewanted=all POP VIEW; There's a New Sound in Pop Music: Bigotry - New York Times ] ]Trivia
The "R" in Floyd R. Turbo is said to stand for "Arthur." [ [http://freedominourtime.blogspot.com/2008/01/turbo-charged-idiocy-about-torture.html Pro Libertate: "Turbo"-Charged Idiocy About Torture ] ]
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