

Infobox Locomotive
name = CD66
powertype = Diesel-electric

size = 300px
caption = CD66 in Trondheim, Norway
builder = Electro-Motive Diesel
builddate =
totalproduction =
uicclass = Co'Co'
gauge = RailGauge|sg
wheeldiameter =
length = 21,400 mm
height = 3.9 m
weight = 126.9 tonnes
topspeed = 120 km/h
enginetype = EMD 12N-710G3B-T2
cylindercount = 12
electricsystem =
collection method =
poweroutput = 2,268 kW
tractiveeffort = 490 kN
railroad = CargoNet
roadnumber = 401 – 406
numinclass = 6|

The CD66 is a diesel locomotive leased by CargoNet from HSBC Rail to haul heavy freight trains in Norway. The six engines are EMD Series 66 locomotives built by Electro-Motive Diesel. The CD66 tag was the first diesel engine to break with the Di-series, the CD66 would have been the Di 9. The 6 engines are numbered 401 to 406.

As also discovered by other operators of the Series 66, CargoNet drivers have complained of excess noise in the driver's cabin, and in October 2004 an agreement between the drivers' union and CargoNet was signed giving the drivers 25% more pay for time spent in a CD66. [ [ Agreement of 25% more pay for CD66 operations] (in Norwegian)]

Scandinavian conditions

Because these locomotive proved unsuitable for harsh Scandinavian wintersConfusing|date=October 2008, they are to be replaced by Vossloh Euro 4000 locomotivesFact|date=October 2008. The replaced locomotive would however have a high second hand valueClarifyme|date=October 2008.

See also

* British Rail Class 66


* [ entry on the CD66] no icon

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