- Game engine recreation
Game engine recreations are engine interpreters for
video games that replace the original engine binary that came with the original game. Game engine recreations are primarily made to allow support for the game on otheroperating systems . In many cases, these are made byreverse engineering the original executable, but occasionally, as was the case with some of the engines inScummVM , the original developers have helped the projects by supplying the original source code. Those are so calledsource port s.0-9
* [http://toom.sourceforge.net/ "2ooM"] for ""
* [http://alpha.devnet.ro/wiki/Alpha-WC1 "Alpha-WC1"] and [http://alpha.devnet.ro/ "Alpha"] for ""
* [http://tomyun.pe.kr/projectanise/ "ANISE"] for running games made byELF Corporation C
* [http://clonekeen.sourceforge.net/ "CloneKeen"] for "
Commander Keen "D
* [http://dunelegacy.sourceforge.net/ "DuneLegacy"] for "
Dune II "E
* "
Exult " for "Ultima VII "F
* [http://sourceforge.net/projects/fheroes2/ "Free Heroes II Engine"] for ""
* "FIFE " for "Fallout"
* [http://sourceforge.net/projects/fitd/ "Free in the Dark"] for "Alone in the Dark"
* [http://freecnc.org/ "FreeCNC"] for "Command & Conquer " and ""
* [http://launchpad.net/freenukum/ "Freenukum"] for "Duke Nukem"
* [http://freera.org/ "FreeRA"] for "", based on FreeCNC
* [http://freesci.linuxgames.com/ "FreeSCI"] for Sierra adventure games using the SCI engine
* [http://freesynd.sourceforge.net/ "FreeSynd"] for "Syndicate"
* "Frotz ", "ZIP", "JZIP", "Zip 2000", "Zip Infinity", and "Nitfol " forInfocom 'sZ-machine text adventure games
* [http://www.princed.org/ "FreePrince"] for "Prince of Persia "G
* "
GemRB " forBioWare 'sInfinity Engine used in various RPGsI
* " [http://www.iris2.de/index.php/Main_Page Iris2] " for
Ultima online on [http://www.gamesites200.com/ultimaonline/ Freeshards]J
* [http://jaj22.org.uk/jjffe/ "jjFFE"] for "Frontier First Encounters"
* [http://www.karlin.mff.cuni.cz/~benes/lotr/ "Lord of the Rings game engine"] for "The Lord of the Rings" by Interplay.
* [http://www.if-legends.org/~msmemorial/magnetic.htm "Magnetic"] for
Magnetic Scrolls adventure games (e.g. 'The Pawn", "Guild of Thieves").N
* [http://red.ribbon.to/~nekoze/en/ "Nekoze"] for running numerous
bishōjo game s created by D.O., ZyX, CD Bros., Purple, Will, and ilex such as "Crescendo"
* [http://sourceforge.net/projects/newraw/ "New RAW (Rewritten engine for Another World)"] for "Another World"
* [http://membres.lycos.fr/cyxdown/nicky/ "Nicky"] for "Nicky Boum "
* [http://nuvie.sourceforge.net/ "Nuvie"] for "Ultima VI "O
* "" for the "Creatures" series of games
* " [http://ogta.fifengine.de/ OpenGTA] " for "Grand Theft Auto"
* " [http://treacle.hewwo.com/jazz/oj/about.html OpenJazz] " for "Jazz Jackrabbit"
* "OpenMoHAA " for "Medal of Honor Allied Assault "
* " [http://openmw.snaptoad.com/ OpenMW] " for "Morrowind "
* " [http://openraider.sourceforge.net/ openRaider] " an open source "Tomb Raider " clone
* " [http://sourceforge.net/projects/openredalert/ OpenRedAlert] " for "", based on FreeCNC and FreeRA
* "OpenTTD " for "Transport Tycoon Deluxe "P
* [http://pentagram.sourceforge.net/ "Pentagram"] for "
Ultima VIII "Q
* [http://q-gears.sourceforge.net/ "Q-Gears"] for "
Final Fantasy VII "R
* [http://cyxdown.free.fr/raw/ "raw (Rewritten engine for Another World)" and "Another World GBA"] for "Another World"
* [http://cyxdown.free.fr/reminiscence/ "REminiscence"] for ""
* [http://scummvm.org/subprojects.php "Residual"] for "GrimE ", the engine used in "Grim Fandango " and "Escape from Monkey Island " (ScummVM subproject)
* " [http://ragingmole.com/RTC/ RTC] " (Return to Chaos) is a recreation of Dungeon Master, Chaos Strikes Back, and Dungeon Master II, made by George Gilbert.* "
Sarien ", " [http://www.agidev.com/projects/nagi/ NAGI] ", "MEKA", " [http://www.dagii.org/ DAGII] ", and "JAGI" for Sierra adventure games using the AGI engine. Sarien project assimilated by ScummVM.
* [http://scsharp.hungry.com/ "SCSharp"] for "StarCraft "
* "ScummVM " for LucasArts adventure games using theSCUMM and AGI engine engines and other unrelated adventure games with their respective engines (AGOS, SAGA, Virtual Theatre...).
* [http://www.eob2remake.com/ "Spectalum"] for ""
* "Spring" for "Total Annihilation " and its many mods
* [http://stargus.sourceforge.net/ "StarGus"] with "Stratagus " for "StarCraft "T
* "TwinEngine", (or Twin-e), for "
Little Big Adventure ".W
* [http://waffle.bunkasha.co.jp/ "Waffle"] (also see [http://www001.upp.so-net.ne.jp/keta/kurokoge/ "Kurokoge"] [http://dev.haeleth.net/kurokoge.shtml English patches] ) for running Key ren'ai games on Mac OS 9 and Mac OS X.
* "Wargus " with "Stratagus " for ""X
* [http://xbak.sourceforge.net/ "xBaK"] for
Betrayal at Krondor
* [http://www.creator.club.ne.jp/~jagarl/xclannad.html "xclannad"] for "Clannad". Also see [http://dev.haeleth.net/xclannad.shtml english patches]
* [http://www.creator.club.ne.jp/~jagarl/xkanon.html "xkanon"] for running Key ren'ai games using theAVG32 engine, especially "Kanon ". See also [http://dev.haeleth.net/xkanon.shtml english patches] .
* [http://www.bigorno.net/xrick/ "xrick"] forRick Dangerous .
* [http://xu4.sourceforge.net/ "xu4"] for "Ultima IV "ee also
Source port
*Emulator External links
* [http://rewiki.regengedanken.de/ REWiki] - A centralized reverse-engineering documentation project
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