X-Men 2099

X-Men 2099

title=X-Men 2099

caption=Wraparound cover for X-Men 2099 #25
Pencils by Ron Lim.
format=Ongoing series
publisher=Marvel Comics
date=October 1993 - 1996
La Lunatica
Xi'an Chi Xan
creators=John Francis Moore
Ron Lim

"X-Men 2099" was a comic book series published by Marvel from 1993 to 1996 that chronicled the adventures of an X-Men team in the year 2099. It extends the Marvel 2099 imprint, which features other future versions of popular Marvel characters, such as Spider-Man 2099 and Hulk 2099. The series was written by John Francis Moore, and largely pencilled by Ron Lim.

The series began in October 1993 and lasted 35 issues along with two specials. It spawned a line of action figures, mostly featuring the more popular characters in the book, and the planned spin-off "X-Nation 2099". In issue 20, the title received a minor makeover, officially joining the 2099 imprint and changing its name to "X-Men 2099 A.D.", the A.D. standing for “After Doom.” At the series' end, it was folded into "", though members of the team were rarely seen after this point.

The first issue featured a blue foil cover on cardstock and the double-sized 25th issue's cover was extra-glossy with foil letters, metallic silver ink, and embossed characters on a heavier wraparound cover.


The team featured an ever-changing line-up, but the mainstays included:

*Desert Ghost (Xi'an Chi Xan)—leader. Right hand could break down molecular structures, destroying them, and his left hand later developed the ability to repair molecular structures, although healing was far more taxing on him. Also generates a protective cocoon during times of self-healing. Former member of The Lawless gang. Defected to the Theatre of Pain.

*Bloodhawk (Lemuel Krug)—extensive physical mutation including tough, scale-like red skin, sharp talons, and leathery wings. Could transform into human form at will. Never a permanent member of the team but came and went when needed.
*Cerebra (Shakti Haddad)—limited psionic power that allowed her to sense the unique thought patterns of mutant minds, disable the brain of anyone she chose, and trigger subconscious brain functions in others.
*Junkpile—techno-organic metabolism increases his strength and durability and allows him to telekinetically draw metallic objects to himself and use them to rebuild his body or add to his physical mass making him unusually resistant to harm. Former member of The Lawless gang. Betrayed team in second issue but later appointed to new S.H.I.E.L.D. by President Doom.
*Krystalin (Ruth Kirsten Porter-Ogada)—pulls minerals out of the air and condenses them into hard crystal shapes of any design.
*La Lunaticapsychic vampire that fed on dark emotions. Feeding increased her strength and resistance to harm. Pale white skin and hair as well as red eyes. Initially an instrument of the Theatre of Pain, but after her release fell in love with Skullfire and reformed to become member of the X-Men.
*Meanstreak (Henri Huang)—superspeed and a heightened metabolism to prevent his speed from adversely affecting his body. Former Alchemax researcher and star scientist.
*Metalhead (Edward van Beethoven-Osako)—skin that could take on the properties of any metal he came into tactile contact with. Lost the ability to revert to his human form for a short time due to a mutation caused by the touch of Freakshow member Contagion.
*Serpentina (Kimberly Kristine Potters)—negation field renders her bones, tissue, and muscles pliant so that she can stretch them to extended lengths. Killed during first story arc. Body was reanimated later in series as a barely conscious zombie.
*Sham (Diamanda LaSalle)—bend nearby light particles and sound waves into powerful and convincing audio/visual illusions. Joined after she was liberated from the Theatre of Pain.
*Skullfire (Timothy Fitzgerald)—ad hoc leader. Initial electrical energy absorption and redirection later developed into absorption and redirection of any energy source; ambient, magical, or otherwise.


*Aesir, pantheon of false Asgardian gods.
*Brimstone Love and the Theatre of Pain
*The Foolkiller - An assassin charged with the task of killing members of The Lawless. Raised and trained to believe that anyone who behaves foolishly should be punishable by death.
*Free Radicals - A group that clashed with the nation of Wakanda.
*Glitterspike - Professional assassin and abusive ex-husband of The Freakshow's Rosa. Has the mutant ability to absorb light particles and convert them into tangible objects of light.
*Graverobber and the Undead - A mutant who once worked for Shakti's father, Zail Haddad. Subjected to radioactive and biohazardous conditions, he developed the mutant ability to resurrect the dead, but his resurrected are linked to his neural energies.
*The Rat Pack, casino enforcers for Synge Casino.
*Lytton and Desdemona Synge.
*Joaquim Eduardo Vasquez a.k.a Darkson, son of Rosa Vasquez and Glitterspike.
*Vulcann, member of the Shaper's Guild known as the Bloodsmiths.
*Master Zhao and the Chosen - Zhao was the last leader of the last true succession of X-Men. He took drugs to enhance his dwindling psychic energies, and as a result grew demented. Eventually killed the last of the X-Men, and used genetic experiments to attempt to raise and develop a new generation of X-Men with abilities similar to Xavier's team.

Supporting characters

*Book—possessed of mutated rock body and incredibly high intelligence
*Broken Haiku—former member of The Lawless. Left for dead by Xian, but survived. Lived as an entity tied to the digital world. Hunted down by the Foolkiller.
*Zail Haddad—father of Cerebra
*Halloween Jack (Jordan Boone aka Loki)
*The Driver— a man who worked with Mama Hurricane, to bring mutants during the worst time of mutant hate and prejudice, to a haven called Avalon. Apparently, he had stored a number of these mutants into a computer so that when humans and mutants were at peace he could bring them back to life. Unfortunately, this system was destroyed by Junkpile, when a seizure caused him to rip every piece of the computer out in a confused attempt to heal himself. With it destroyed, the Driver just took the road. Powers: Cyberpathy, techo-organic body, link with car grants him other powers
*Quiver—a prisoner released from the Theatre of Pain along with Sham, but never officially joined the team. Had the ability to generate seismic pulses.
*Morphine Somers—superannuation touch generates specific bioelectric feedback through matter, aging it thousands of years into dust. Minister of Mutant Affairs and Bureaucratic Head of Halo City under Doom Presidency. Becomes a temporary leader of the X-Men in Xi'an's place. Member of Doom's Black Cabinet.
*Victor Ten Eagles—former member of The Lawless
*Rosalinda Navarro Vasquez—member of Freakshow who fell in love with Metalhead. Powers: electrical disruption
*The Freakshow—a group of humans who were experimented upon by Mega-Corps so they have become similar to mutants. Under the leadership of Mama Hurricane, an important figure in the MUR (Mutant Underground Railroad), they move from place to place just doing what they can to help.:*Breakdown: Rose's younger brother who has destruction powers akin to Xi'an's:*Contagion: emits a deadly disease through physical contact. Infected Metalhead during a skirmish.:*Dominic: boy engineered with the ability to generate and withstand extreme heat.:*Psyclone: psychic or wind blasts:*Tantrum: deadly vocal cords. Power increases with her level of rage.


Creative teams

The series was written entirely by John Francis Moore and pencilled almost exclusively by Ron Lim. Exceptions are as follows:

*#21—Cover by Tim Sale
*#28—Cover by Chris Sprouse, part of a set of interlocking covers that form one image.
*#32—Cover by Humberto Ramos, pencilled by Jan Duursema.
*#33–35—Pencilled by Jan Duursema.
*"X-Men 2099 A.D. Special" #1—contained three stories: "Tin Man," pencilled and inked by Steve Pugh, "Sally & Sylvester Stay at Home," pencilled and inked by Graham Higgins, and "The Frog Prince" written by Matthew Morra, pencilled by J. Calafiore and inked by Peter Palmiotti.
*"X-Men 2099 Oasis"-one-shot illustrated by Greg and Tim Hildebrandt.


*Adam Kubert—#1–3
*An extended run by Harry Candelario

External links

* [http://www.uncannyxmen.net/db/characters/showfaq.asp?fldAuto=74 Uncannyxmen.net character bios on 2099 characters]
* [http://www.uncannyxmen.net/db/issues/showfaq.asp?fldAuto=71 Uncannyxmen.net issue summaries of the entire "X-Men 2099" series]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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