Chronology of Revelation

Chronology of Revelation

The Chronology of Revelation details a series of events which take place in the Book of Revelation, detailing (by some accounts) the final judgement of God on the world, in the final Book of the Christian Bible. The events portrayed in Revelation are full of symbolism, imagery, and metaphor, with a wide range of interpretations as to how the events should be perceived.

Prologue and Church letters

The prologue of Revelation, the shortest chapter of the book (). In Revelation, God's throne is described as "sparkling like jasper and carnelian with a halo as brilliant as emerald". Around God's throne are 24 other thrones, on which sit elders in white robes. From the throne echoed thunder and lightning and, in front of the throne, the author sees seven torches sitting on a sea of crystal.

The author then sees four creatures which have six wings and are covered in eyes (). The lamb appears as slaughtered yet standing, and has seven horns and seven eyes (). "(see also Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse)"

With the fifth seal the souls of the martyrs appear before God and ask when he will judge the people of Earth. They are each given a white robe, and told to wait until more martyrs have been killed ().

The Seven Trumpets

When the first trumpet is sounded hail, fire and blood fall upon the Earth, and a third of its surface, along with a third of its trees and all of its grass, is consumed in flame. Upon the sounding of the second, a great, flaming mountain falls into the sea. A third of the oceans turn to blood, a third of the sea creatures are killed and a third of the ships are destroyed.With the third, the star Wormwood falls upon a third of the rivers and springs, poisoning them and the many men who drink from them.

With the fourth trumpet, a third of the Sun, Moon and stars darken, leaving a third of the day in darkness. After these 4 trumpets an angel flies through Heaven warning everybody that the worst is about to come. The fifth trumpet calls down a star from the heavens, which opens the Abyss, darkening the sky with its fumes and unleashing a swarm of scorpion-like locusts. The locusts are commanded not to pursue plantlife of any kind, "but only those men which have not the seal of God on their foreheads," and to torment them for five months as though they had been struck by scorpions, but without death. They had the form of warhorses, with golden crowns, men's faces, women's hair, lions' teeth, iron breastplates, wings and scorpions' tails. They are led by a king, Abaddon.

The sixth angel releases the four angels who had been bound to the Euphrates ready to lead an army of 200 million horsemen to slay one third of mankind.

The Two Witnesses

Revelation 11 introduces two witnesses, who are described as "the two olive trees and the two lampstands that stand before the Lord of the earth". They will prophesy for twelve hundred and sixty days, clothed in sackcloth. The witnesses will be given supernatural powers to defend themselves from attack and to smite the earth with plagues. They will "torment those who dwell on the earth" with these plagues. After they prophesy and testify for 1,260 days, the beast that comes up out of the abyss will make war with them, and overcome them and kill them. Their corpses will lie in the streets of Jerusalem for 3-1/2 days while the world watches and rejoices over their deaths. However, after the 3-1/2 days, they will be resurrected and then ascend into heaven while their enemies look on.

The Woman and the Dragon

Revelation 12 introduces a woman clothed in the sun, a crown of twelve stars, and the moon under her feet. She is pursued by a dragon with seven heads and ten horns. It wants to devour her unborn child. However, the child was born and He will rule with an iron rod. The Child was snatched up to God. Then there was a great battle in Heaven. Michael and his Angels fought the Dragon and his angels. The Dragon lost and was thrown down to Earth and all of its angels with it. The Dragon pursued the Woman. Water came out of its mouth to drown the Woman. However, the Earth swallowed all the water. Then the Woman grew eagle wings and flew away. The Dragon was enraged with the Woman and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ. Then the Dragon stood on the seashore.

The Beast from the Sea

Revelation 13 introduces a beast, rising out of the sea. It is described as having "ten horns and seven heads", one of which has been injured but later healed. This beast is given authority by the dragon and proceeds to lead the world, being worshipped alongside the beast. It is shown leading the whole world with the exception of those whose names are written in the Book of Life, and as making war against the saints. This beast is the Antichrist, who is said to be the sworn enemy of Christ and Christ followers. He will have everyone who does not worship him and his image killed. He shall be the ruler of the earth. He will have everyone wear his mark on their right hand or forehead. No one shall buy or sell if he doesn't have the mark. His mark is 666.

The Beast from the Earth

Following this, another beast arises, this one from the earth. This beast exercises authority on behalf of the previous, and through this authority causes "great and miraculous signs" by which to make people follow the beast. The beast from the earth causes all to have a mark on their hand or forehead, "that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of his name" (Revelation 13:17). This beast is described as having the appearance of a lamb while speaking like a dragon.He is said to be the false prophet, who will exercise the authority of the beast on his behalf, and have everyone worship the beast, his image, and take his mark on their right hand or on their forehead. He who doesn't have the mark shall not be able to buy or sell. They will be considered outlaws. The number of the beast is 666.

The Seven Bowl Judgments

When the seventh trumpet is sounded, seven angels are given bowls to pour out upon the earth which contain "the seven last plagues". These last judgments will complete God's wrath. The first bowl produces unbearable sores on humanity. The second bowl results in the death of every living thing in the sea. The third bowl turns the inland waters into blood. The fourth bowl causes the sun to scorch man. The fifth bowl brings darkness over the beast's kingdom. The sixth bowl dries up the river Euphrates to prepare the way for the kings of the east and causes the armies of the Antichrist being gathered together to wage the battle of Armageddon. The seventh bowl results in a devastating earthquake followed by giant hailstones.

The Whore of Babylon

Revelations 17 introduces a Woman dressed in purple and scarlet, and decked with gold, precious stones and pearls. She sits on a scarlet beast with 7 heads and 10 horns. She is described as the "Mother of Harlots" and is drunk with the blood of the saints indicating her intense involvement in persecution. She comes to power and rules the kings and peoples of the earth. Eventually, the 10 kings ruling the kingdoms that give their power to the Beast grow tired of her influence and overthrow her. Her destruction will cause the kings and merchants of the earth to mourn her passing.


Jesus returns to earth followed by the armies of Heaven, which are seen riding white horses dressed in fine linen. The Beast and his False Prophet make war with the armies of Christ but were defeated. In the aftermath of their defeat, the Antichrist and False Prophet were cast alive into the lake of fire that burns forever. Then Satan is bound in the abyss for a thousand years. The Saints who died are resurrected and begins reign with Christ for one thousand years. After the thousand years, Satan is released from the abyss to deceive the nations and gather the people of the world to encircle the camp of the saints and the city of Jerusalem. A fire came down from God out of heaven, and devoured them. Satan is then thrown into the Lake of Fire forever. The wicked dead and all of those who died during the thousand-year reign of Christ are resurrected and judged. Then a new heaven and a new earth with the New Jerusalem comes down from heaven. See also Kingdom of God.

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