- Transitive reduction
mathematics , the transitive reduction of abinary relation "R" on a set "X" is a minimalrelation R' on "X" such that thetransitive closure of R' is the same as the transitive closure of "R". If the transitive closure of "R" is antisymmetric and finite, then R' is unique. However, neither existence nor uniqueness of transitive reductions is guaranteed in general.Example
graph theory , anybinary relation "R" on a set "X" may be thought of as adirected graph ("V", "A"), where "V" = "X" is the vertex set and "A" = "R" is the set of arcs of the graph. The transitive reduction of a graph is sometimes referred to as its "minimal representation". The following image displays drawings of graphs corresponding to a non-transitive binary relation (on the left) and its transitive reduction (on the right).The transitive reduction of a finite
acyclic graph is unique. For a graph with nontrivialstrongly connected component s, each such component will become a cycle in any transitive reduction of that graph. More formally, suppose we have a graph G and we form an acyclic graph G' by contracting each strongly connected component to a vertex. If we take the unique transitive reduction of G', then expand each vertex back out to a cycle containing the vertices contracted to form it, attaching incident edges at any vertex in the cycle, the result will be a minimal transitive reduction regardless of how this expansion is performed.Graph algorithms for transitive reduction
In 1972, it was shown by Aho, Garey, and Ullman that algorithms for transitive reduction have the same time complexity as algorithms for
transitive closure .The
graphviz [http://www.research.att.com/sw/tools/graphviz/] tool tred provides an implementation of adepth-first search -based algorithm for finding the transitive reduction of a directed graph.Incremental data structures
One of the most well-studied problems in computational graph theory is that of incrementally keeping track of the transitive closure of a graph while performing a sequence of insertions and deletions of vertices and edges. In 1987, J.A. La Poutré and J. van Leeuwen described in their well-cited "Maintenance Of Transitive Closures And Transitive Reductions Of Graphs" an algorithm for simultaneously keeping track of both the transitive closure and transitive reduction of a graph in this incremental fashion. [http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/poutre87maintenance.html]
The algorithm uses
time for a sequence of consecutive edge insertions and
time for a sequence of consecutive edge deletions, where Eold is the edge set prior to the insertions or deletions and Enew is the edge set afterwards. For acyclic graphs, the deletion algorithm requires only
time. These times are still best-known, as more recent research has preferred to focus on transitive closure.
See also
Transitive relation
*Transitive closure
*Hasse diagram References
External links
* [http://mathworld.wolfram.com/TransitiveReduction.html Mathworld: Transitive reduction]
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