Sleipner — Fra nordisk mytologi. Odins sorte hingst. Sleipner har 8 ben og den kan løbe stærkt som vinden og bevæge sig lige godt i luften som på jorden. Sleipner er føl af Loke, der omskabte sig til en hoppe for at lokke jættehingsten Svadilfare væk fra… … Danske encyklopædi
Sleipner (Gasfeld) — Lage des Sleipner Feldes Unter dem Überbegriff Sleipner Feld werden die Gas und Kondensatfelder Sleipner Ost und Sleipner West sowie deren Satellit Erweiterungen Loke, Grungne und Alfa Nord im norwegischen Teil der Nordsee zusammengefasst. Die… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Sleipner A offshore platform — The Sleipner A offshore platform was a North Sea, Condeep type oil platform, built for Statoil in Norway by the company Norwegian Contractors. It is known for its catastrophic failure on August 23, 1991, due to a design flaw, that resulted from… … Wikipedia
Sleipner class destroyer — The Sleipner class was a class of six destroyers built for the Royal Norwegian Navy from 1936 until the German invasion in 1940. The design was considered advanced for its time, and it was the first class of vessels for the Norwegian Navy that… … Wikipedia
Sleipner-Klasse — Die Sleipner auf See, 1937 Die Æg … Deutsch Wikipedia
Sleipner class corvette — The Sleipner class corvette was a part of the Royal Norwegian Navy s 1960 fleet plan. It was intended to build 5 ships of the class, but because of economical problems only two were built. These were F 310 KNM «Sleipner» and F 311 KNM «Æger».… … Wikipedia
Sleipner-Eröffnung — Bei den Unregelmäßigen Eröffnungen handelt es sich um wenig gespielte Eröffnungen beim Schachspiel. Ursprünglich wurden damit namentlich nicht erfasste und theoretisch nicht aufgearbeitete Eröffnungen bezeichnet. Mit zunehmender Entwicklung der… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Sleipner gas field — The Sleipner gas field is a natural gas field in the North Sea. It is operated by StatoilHydro and has a facility for carbon capture and storage, CCS. It is named after the steed Sleipnir in Norse also*Carbon Capture and Storage,… … Wikipedia
HNoMS Sleipner (1936) — The lead Sleipner class destroyer Sleipner was commissioned into the Royal Norwegian Navy in 1936 and would gain legendary status in Norway by enduring over two weeks of intense attack by Luftwaffe bombers after the 9 April 1940 invasion of… … Wikipedia
IK Sleipner — Voller Name Gegründet 27. April 1903 Vereinsfarben … Deutsch Wikipedia