Affonso Romano de Sant'Anna

Affonso Romano de Sant'Anna

Affonso Romano de Sant'Anna (born March 27, 1937 in Belo Horizonte), is a Brazilian writer.


He was a professor of Brazilian Literature at UCLA and the University of Texas at El Paso, and a writer for the O Globo newspaper. In 1971 he married Marina Colasanti, a Brazilian journalist and writer. In 1984, he began writing for Jornal do Brasil.


*1962 - "O Desemprego da Poesia"
*1965 - "Canto e Palavra" (poem book)
*1980 - "Que país é este?"
*1986 - "A Mulher Madura" (book of articles for O Globo)

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* [ Releituras (Portuguese)]

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