

Commandeur is a title in French and Dutch (also, now a purism, Kommandeur), usually rendered in English as Commander, with different uses. The literal meaning is he who commands, parallel to Commandant. In most senses the German equivalent is Kommandeur.


Naval and air force use

Various functions of commanding officers were styled Commandeur. In the navy of the Dutch Republic anyone who commanded a ship or a fleet without having an appropriate rank to do so, could be called a commandeur. This included ad hoc fleet commanders and acting captains (luitenant-commandeur). In the fleet of the Admiralty of Zealand however, commandeur was a formal rank, the equivalent of Schout-bij-nacht (Rear-Admiral) in the other Dutch admiralties. The Dutch use of the title as a rank lives on in the Royal Netherlands Navy, as the equivalent of Commodore. In the Royal Netherlands Air Force, however, this rank is known by the English spelling of Commodore which is the Dutch equivalent of the British Air Commodore.

Similar rank also exist in the Royal Danish Navy and the Royal Norwegian Navy (as Kommandør), as well as the Swedish Navy (as Kommendör). Note that these are equivalent to Captain in the British Royal Navy and the United States Navy, and not Commodore.


In many orders of knighthood, Commandeur is a high rank, usually above Officier (i.e. Officer), but under one or more ranks with a prefix meaning "Great", e.g. Groot- in Dutch, Grand - in French, which may include Grootcommandeur (Grand Commander; equivalent to Knight), the equivalent of Commendador-mayor (using an equivalent suffix) in Spanish.

  • In military orders with extensive territorial possessions, individual estates could be called commenda and enthrusted to an individual Knight, as a de facto fief. Apart from cases where such a fief was ex officio linked to a higher office within the order, his style would then be Commandeur; this etymology is best preserved in the Spanish form Commendador, important in the military orders involved in the Reconquista such as the Order of Santiago.

In this sense only, the equivalent German title is Komthur, of importance mainly in the State of the Teutonic Order and other orders' possessions (throughout Europe).

Colonial office

As in various small colonial settlements (such as various Caribbean islands) commanding the garrison was the crux of the top job, the military title Commandeur could also be used instead of a civilian gubernatorial style, not unlike the Portuguese Captain-major.

For example, this was the case on the island of Tobago in the Dutch colony of Nieuw Walcheren ('New Walcheren')

Sources and references

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  • commandeur — commandeur, euse [ kɔmɑ̃dɶr, øz ] n. • fin XIIe « chef »; de commander 1 ♦ N. m. (1260) Hist. Chevalier d un ordre militaire ou hospitalier, pourvu d une commanderie. Commandeur de Malte. Don Juan invita à souper la statue du commandeur qu il… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • commandeur — COMMANDEUR. s. m. Chevalier d un Ordre Militaire ou Hospitalier, pourvu d un Bénéfice du même Ordre, qui lui donne le titre de Commandeur. Commandeur de Malte. Commandeur de Saint Lazare. Commandeur de Saint Louis. Commandeur de l Ordre… …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie Française 1798

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  • commandeur — (ko man deur) s. m. 1°   Chevalier pourvu d une commanderie dans les anciens ordres militaires. Commandeur de Malte. •   Seigneur commandeur, mon maître don Juan vous demande si vous voulez lui faire l honneur de venir souper avec lui, MOL. le… …   Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré

  • COMMANDEUR — s. m. Chevalier d un ordre militaire ou hospitalier, pourvu d une commanderie. Commandeur de Malte. Commandeur de Saint Lazare. Commandeur de l ordre Teutonique.   Il désigne aussi, dans plusieurs ordres militaires et autres, Un grade plus ou… …   Dictionnaire de l'Academie Francaise, 7eme edition (1835)

  • commandeur — I. Commandeur. s. m. Chevalier d un Ordre militaire, qui tient une Commanderie. Commandeur de Malte. On appelle, Commandeurs de l Ordre du S. Esprit, Les Prelats qui en sont. Le Cardinal, l Evesque tel, est Prelat Commandeur de l Ordre du saint… …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie française

  • COMMANDEUR — n. m. Grade plus ou moins élevé, qui est purement honorifique. Dans l’ordre de la Légion d’honneur, le grade de commandeur est le troisième. Commandeur de l’ordre du Bain (Angleterre). Il se disait aussi d’un Chevalier d’un ordre militaire ou… …   Dictionnaire de l'Academie Francaise, 8eme edition (1935)

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