SDR may mean:


* Santander, Cantabria
* Santander Airport, IATA airport code
* Somalia, previously known as the Somali Democratic Republic
* Southern Distributor Road, the southern part of the Newport ring road in the United Kingdom
* Snailbeach District Railways, a mine railway running from Snailbeach to Pontesbury
* Somerset and Dorset Joint Railway, defunct British railway system
* São Domingos de Rana, a Portuguese parish of Cascais.

Reports and Reviews

* Strategic Defence Review, a United Kingdom Ministry of Defence defence review
* System Design Review, a scheduled review which ensures continuous involvement throughout a program
* Standard deviation report, a request for report from dissatisfied clients

Economics, Math, and Statistics

* System of distinct representatives, in mathematics
* Special Drawing Rights, in the International Monetary Fund
* Standardised death rate The age-standardized mortality rate is a weighted average of the age-specific mortality rates per 100,000 persons, where the weights are the proportions of persons in the corresponding age groups of the WHO standard population.

Entertainment and Radio

* SDR, Heavy Metal band, from south Wales in the UK. Also known as Self Defence Required.
* ETSI Satellite Digital Radio (SDR)
* Süddeutscher Rundfunk, a former German radio station
* Sudden Death Records
* QRIO, originally named SDR for "Sony Dream Robot", an approx 580mm high bipedal entertainment robot developed by Sony.
* Software-Defined Radio, radio communication system which uses software for the modulation and demodulation of radio signals

External links

* [ SDR Europe]

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