Ana Ng

Ana Ng

Infobox Single
Name = Ana Ng
Artist = They Might Be Giants
from Album = Lincoln
Released = September 25, 1988
Format = 7", 12"
Genre = College rock
Alternative rock
Length = 3:23
Label = Bar/None
Producer = Bill Krauss
Last single = "They'll Need a Crane"
This single = "Ana Ng"
Next single = "Purple Toupee"
Misc = Extra tracklisting
Type = studio
Album = Lincoln
this_track = "Ana Ng"
track_no = 1
next_track = "Cowtown"
next_no = 2
"Ana Ng" (pronEng|ˈænə ˈɛŋ, or "ā′- āng′"') is a 1988 song by They Might Be Giants. It was originally from the album "Lincoln", but has also appeared on ' (which was a compilation of their first two albums including Lincoln), "Severe Tire Damage", ' and "A User's Guide to They Might Be Giants". The song was their first US chart appearance, hitting #11 on the US Modern Rock chart. [" [ They Might Be Giants] ", Artist Chart History, "Billboard". Retrieved 11-04-2007.]

It is apparently a song about hypothetically having a soulmate who lives on the other side of the world whom one has never met (and possibly never will meet), although, like most They Might Be Giants songs, the intended meaning of the song (if any) has not been made known. In an interview with the duo, it was mentioned that they saw a lot of "Ana Ng"s in the New York City phone book.

The song, or at least part of it, is set against the backdrop of the 1964 New York World's Fair, which John Linnell attended as a child. It includes references to "it's a small world" and the DuPont pavilion, both attractions at the fair.

The line, "I don't want the world / I just want your half," is said by Lisa Klapp, a friend of John and John's, and recorded through a telephone.

The song has been covered by the rock band Self on the album Hello Radio: The Songs of They Might Be Giants.



External links

* at This Might Be A Wiki
* [ Ana Ng at]


*Listen at []


* [ Yahoo! Music]

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