Anthologĭon — (griech.), in der griech. Kirche das Buch, worin die an Fest u. Heiligentagen abzusingenden Officia (Hymnen, Gebete und Lektionen) für das ganze Jahr, nach den Monaten verteilt, enthalten sind … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
Anthologion — Anthologĭon (Anthologium, grch.), in der griech. kath. Kirche das nach den 12 Monaten eingeteilte Missale (Meßbuch) … Kleines Konversations-Lexikon
Anthologion — An|tho|lo|gi|on, nthologium das; s, Plur. ...ia od. ...ien [...i̯ən] <aus gleichbed. kirchenlat. anthologium, dies aus gr. anthológion, eigtl. »Blütenlese«> liturgisches Gebetbuch (↑Brevier 1) der orthodoxen Kirchen … Das große Fremdwörterbuch
АНФОЛОГИОН — [Анфологий; греч. ̓Ανθολόγιον < ἀνθολογία антология, букв. собрание цветов, цветник; слав. ], название рукописных и печатных сборников литургического и учительного содержания. Богослужебные А. Основу А. в визант. обряде, как правило, составляют… … Православная энциклопедия
Oedipus — For other uses, see Oedipus (disambiguation). Oedipus explains the riddle of the Sphinx, by Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres, c. 1805 Topics in Greek mythology … Wikipedia
Diogenianus — was a Greek grammarian from Heraclea in Pontus (or in Caria) who flourished during the reign of Hadrian.[1] He was the author of an alphabetical lexicon, chiefly of poetical words, abridged from the great lexicon (Περὶ γλωσσῶν) of Pamphilus of… … Wikipedia
Canonical hours — Benedictine monks singing Vespers on Holy Saturday. Canonical hours are divisions of time which serve as increments between the prescribed prayers of the daily round. A Book of Hours contains such a set of prayers. In western Catholicism,… … Wikipedia
Peter Mogila — Petro Mohyla Metropolitan of Kiev and Halych Born December 21, 1596(1596 12 21) Suceava, Mo … Wikipedia
Gregory III Laham — Infobox Patriarch name=Gregory III birth name= Lutfy Laham church=Melkite Greek Catholic Church see=Antioch patriarch of = Patriarch of Antioch residence=Syria and Lebanon enthroned=November 29, 2000 ended= predecessor=Maximos V Hakim… … Wikipedia
Liturgical book — A liturgical book is a book published by the authority of a church, that contains the text and directions for the liturgy of its official religious services.Roman CatholicIn the Roman Rite of the Catholic Church, the primary liturgical books are… … Wikipedia