- 1890 in art
List of years in Art Works
William-Adolphe Bouguereau - "A Little Coaxing"
*Thomas Dewing - "Summer"
*John Haberle - "The Palette"
*William Harnett - "The Faithful Colt" (Wadsworth Atheneum ,Hartford, Connecticut )
*Ferdinand Hodler - "Night" (Kunstmuseum,Berne ,Switzerland )
*Winslow Homer - "Cloud Shadows"
*Paul Ranson - "Nabis Landscape"
*Odilon Redon - "With Closed Eyes" (Musée d'Orsay ,Paris )
*Tom Roberts - "Shearing the Rams"
*Georges Seurat - "Woman Powdering Herself" (Courtauld Institute of Art ,London )
*Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec - "Dance at the Moulin Rouge"
*Vincent van Gogh "Dr. Paul Gachet" (Musée d'Orsay, Paris)
*Ypsilanti Water Tower - Winner of "Most Phallic Building contest "Awards
Grand Prix de Rome , painting: (unknown).
*Grand Prix de Rome , sculpture: (unknown).
*Grand Prix de Rome , architecture: (unknown).
*Grand Prix de Rome , music: (unknown).Births
January to June
7 January -Milton Menasco , American painter andart director (d.1974).
*17 March -LeMoine Fitzgerald , painter (d.1956).
*14 April -Gerald Curtis Delano , American painter (d.1972).
*4 May -Franklin Carmichael , painter (d.1945).
*12 June -Egon Schiele , painter (d.1918).
*20 June -Giorgio Morandi , painter and printmaker (d.1964).July to December
4 July -Jacques Carlu , Frencharchitect and designer (d.1976).
*5 August -Naum Gabo ,Russia n sculptor (d.1977).
*10 September -Elsa Schiaparelli , Italianfashion designer (d.1973).
*16 October -Paul Strand , American photographer and filmmaker (d.1976).
*23 November -El Lissitzky , designer, architect and photographer (d.1941).
*25 November -Isaac Rosenberg , poet and painter (d.1918).
*6 December -Rudolf Schlichter , painter (d. 1955).
*11 December -Mark Tobey , American abstract expressionist painter (d.1976).Full date unknown
Grace Albee , American printmaker (d.1985).
*Gerald Curtis Delano , painter (d.1972).
*Pinchus Kremegne ,Belarus ian sculptor, painter and lithographer (d.1981).
*Robert Laurent , American sculptor (d.1970).Deaths
January 25 -Antonio Salviati , glassmaker (b. 1816)
*May 24 -Georgiana McCrae , painter (b. 1804)
*July 29 -Vincent van Gogh , Dutch painter (b. 1853)
*August 21 -Charles West Cope , painter (b. 1811)
*December 19 -Eugène Lami , painter and lithographer (b. 1800)
*Auguste Ottin , sculptor (b. 1811)
* Pietro Pezzati, mural painter (b. 1828)
*Joseph-Nicolas Robert-Fleury , French painter (b. 1797)
*Friedrich Loos - AustrianBiedermeier style painter,etcher andlithographer (b. 1797)
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